Goals: So I want to read at least 20 ARCs. Some of the ones I might be reading are: Unravel, Push, The Dark World, The Perilous Sea, The Taking, After the End, The Murder Complex, Blackbird, Beware the Dark, Brutal Youth, Crystal Fire, Counting to D, Divided, Elusion, Fan Art, Death Sworn, 17 First Kisses, Salvage, Feral, Foretold, Get Even, Anatomy of a Misfit, In a Handful of Dust, In the End, Inbetween, Luminosity, My Last Kiss, Midnight Thief, Nantucket Red, Panic, Passionaries, Played, Queen of Swords, Queen of Wands, Renegade, Rites of Passage, Second Star, Sleep No More, Snow Like Ashes, Stitching Snow, Surnise, Take Back the Stars, Tease, The Half Life of Molly Pierce, The Jewel, The Last Best Kiss, The Legacy of Eden, The Rules for Breaking, The Things You Kiss Goodbye, Top Ten Clues You're Clueless, Unremembered, Viviane Divine is Dead, White Space, Wild, Wicked Games, Witchstruck, Witchfall, Red Queen, Last Time We Say Goodbye, and a few others that I don't know about right now!
Yeah, I have a lot of ARC's to read! What about you guys? Happy reading!
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