Friday, September 6, 2024

SeasonAthon Academy Update 6

So I read my next book for SeasonAthon Academy, and it was Aisle Nine which was for the prompt HIST 2510, and I'll be reading Rebel Seoul next! 

My Reading Journey:

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Prompt Fulfilled: ENGL 2130
Started On: September 3rd
Finished On: September 3rd, 10:03 AM
Pages Read: 336

The Debutantes by Olivia Worley
Prompt Fulfilled: BIOL 1050
Started On: September 3rd
Finished On: September 3rd, 4:18 PM
Pages Read: 352

One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite
Prompt Fulfilled: MLNG 2400
Started On: September 3rd
Finished On: September 3rd, 9:39 PM
Pages Read: 384

The White Guy Dies First Anthology
Prompt Fulfilled: ANTH 1500
Started On: September 4th
Finished On: September 4th, 11:03 AM
Pages Read: 311

Amari and the Despicable Wonders by B.B. Alston
Prompt Fulfilled: ENGL 3560
Started On: September 4th
Finished On: September 4th, 3:47 PM
Pages Read: 400

Aisle Nine by Ian X. Cho
Prompt Fulfilled: HIST 2510
Started On: September 6th
Finished On: September 6th, 7:48 PM
Pages Read: 272

Rebel Seoul by Axie Oh
Prompt Fulfilled: PHYS 1030
Started On: September 
Currently On: Page 0 of 400

Prompts Left: ENGL 2010, ASTR 1010, CHEM 1110, ESC 1500, GEOL 1110, GEOG 1030, HIST 2820, HIST 2850, REL 2120, FLNG 3120
Read: 6
Pages Read: 2055

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