Monday, June 1, 2020

Wheel of TBR Prompts

So these are the prompts that I'm going to use. This post will change, because each time I do a week, I'll bold the ones that are currently in use, and unbold the ones I've used.

  1. Favorite Author-A book written by an author that I really enjoy
  2. New Author-An author that I haven't read
  3. DAC Book-The first book by an author
  4. Sophomore Book-The second book by an author
  5. A-Z Random-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be somewhere in the title or the author's name
  6. A-Z Start Title-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be the first letter in the title
  7. A-Z End Title-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be the last letter in the title
  8. A-Z In Title-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be the first letter in one of the words in the title
  9. A-Z Start Author-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be in the first letter in the author's first name
  10. A-Z End Author-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be in the first letter in the author's last name
  11. My Initials-A book that the first letter of either the author name or the title of the book, is the same as one of my initials, LMP
  12. Sat on Shelves-Book that has been on my shelves a long time
  13. Newly Published-Book that recently came out
  14. Newly Added-Book that I recently added to my Goodreads shelf
  15. Most Anticipated-A book I'm really looking forward to
  16. Most Recently Purchased-The most recent purchase that I haven't read yet
  17. Treat Yo' Shelf-Buy a book that I want to read
  18. Reread-Book that I've previously read
  19. YA Oldie-A book that I consider a YA Oldie, something that came out at least 8 years ago
  20. Library Book-A book that I have from the Library
  21. ARC-NetGalley-A book that I have as ARC from NetGalley
  22. ARC-Edelweiss-A book that I have as ARC from Edelweiss
  23. ARC Published-An book that I've received as an ARC but has since been published
  24. ARC To Be Published-A book that I've received as an ARC that is to be published
  25. Monthly ARC-A book that is in my Month ARC's list
  26. Late Monthly ARC-A book that I didn't read in that month's Monthly ARC's list
  27. Self-Published/Indie Published-A book that is self-published or published by an indie press
  28. Catch Up With Author-A book by an author that I want to catch up on
  29. Fulfills a Goal-A book that fulfills a goal that I put down in my New Years goals
  30. 2+ Authors-Is written by 2 or more authors
  31. Review Post-A book which I've created a review post for 
  32. Number-Using a random number generator, between folders-my current week book covers folder, current month, or December, and then a another random number to pick the book within that folder
  33. Title-Using a random number generator, the title has to have as many letters in the title as generated (spaces are irrelevant) with a range of 5 to 15
  34. Word-Using a random word generator to find a word, and then that word has to be in the title
  35. Word Inspiration-Using a random word generator to find a word, and then the book I choose has to have that element in the book in one form or another, including being in the title, as well as it could be a part of the story
  36. Year-using a random number generator, using the years between 2000 and the current year, 2025, I'll get a year, and the book has to have been published that year
  37. Month-Having a random month generated, and then that book has to be published that month
  38. Genre-Having a random word generator with various genres, and reading a book within the genre selected
  39. Series Number-Having a random number between 1 and 6 generated, and having that book be that number in the series
  40. Series Name-Using a random letter generator, that letter will be the first letter in the series name 
  41. Shelf-Using a random number generator to pick which of my 19 bookcases to draw the book from, again for the shelf, and finally for which book (if it's a series and I haven't read previous installments, I'll go with the first unread book in the series)
  42. Narrator-Using a random number generator, Female Narrator, Male Narrator, More than One Narrator, and the book has to have whichever narration is picked
  43. Page Count-To have range of 250-500 pages, and having a random number generator, generate a number, and picking a book with as close as a page count as I can get
  44. Page Range-To have random number generator generate 2 numbers, between 100 and 500 pages, and picking a book within that page count 
  45. Colour-Spin the wheel again, and whichever colour comes up, has to be on the cover of the book
  46. Spine-Using a random colour generator, to get a colour the spine has to have on it
  47. Trope-Using a random trope generator, I'll get a trope, and have to read a book with that trope in it
  48. Physical Collection-Using a random number generator with a range of 6, between my oversized Hardcover collection, adult paperback collection, YA Hardcovers collection, YA Paperbacks collection, mass market collection, and favourite authors collection
  49. Review Week-Using a random number generator with a range of to 52, and whichever number comes up, I'll read a book that I had in drafts for that review week 
  50. No Common Letter-A book with a title that doesn't have a common letter (Letter randomly chosen, A, E, I, O, S, T)
  51. Literature Map-Choosing a random author's name, and reading a book by an author mentioned in that literature map
  52. Literature Map Discovery-Choosing a favourite author, and picking an author that I've never read from before 
  53. Author As Last Read-Picking a book that was by the same author as the last book I read 
  54. Series As Last Read-Picking a book that was in the same series as the last book I read
  55. Year As Last Read-Picking a book that was published the same year as the last book I read
  56. Month As Last Read-Picking a book that was published the same month as the last book I read
  57. Genre As Last Read-Picking a book that was in the same genre as the last book I read
  58. Shelf As Last Read-Picking a book that was one the same shelf as the last book I read
  59. Narrator As Last Read-Picking a book that has the same narrator as the last book I read
  60. Page Count As Last Read-Picking a book that is as close in page count as the last book I read
  61. Colour As Last Read-Picking a book that has the same colour on the cover as the last book I read
  62. Trope As Last Read-Picking a book that has the same trope as the last book I read
  63. Physical Collection as Last Read-Picking a book that comes from the same physical collection as the last book I read 
  64. Beautiful Cover-A book with a cover that *I* think is pretty, beauty is subjective
  65. Ugly Cover-A book with a cover that *I* think is ugly, beauty is subjective
  66. Cover Stereotype-A book with a common theme on it's cover, like a girl in a dress, or the YA Snake
  67. Cover Change-A book in a series where the covers series style changed (only trilogy's, since long series do get cover changes, sometimes multiple ones.)
  68. Stand Alone-A book that isn't in a series
  69. Start the Series-That I haven't started in the series, it's the first full length book
  70. Continue the Series-That I've started the series, but I have more than 1 book left to go
  71. End the Series-That I've read the rest of the series, I only have 1 more book left to go
  72. Restart the Series-That I've started the series, but it's been so long that I need to go back to be beginning again
  73. Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2020-A next book from a series that I started in 2020, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  74. Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2021-A next book from a series that I started in 2021, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  75. Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2022-A next book from a series that I started in 2022, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  76. Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2023-A next book from a series that I started in 2023, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  77. Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2024-A next book from a series that I started in 2024, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  78. Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2025-A next book from a series that I started in 2025, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  79. Series Started and Unfinished-A next book from a series that I started in 2025, and is currently unfinished to what was currently published
  80. Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2020-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2020, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  81. Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2021-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2021, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  82. Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2022-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2022, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  83. Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2023-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2023, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  84. Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2024-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2024, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  85. Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2025-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2025, and either was unfinished to what was currently published, or current
  86. Series Continued and Unfinished 2025-A next book from a series that I started prior to 2025, and is currently unfinished to what was currently published
  87. Series I Read in 2020 But Not in 2021-A series that I read in 2020, but didn't read in 2021 for whatever reason (including that a book in that series wasn't released) 
  88. Series I Read in 2021 But Not in 2022-A series that I read in 2021, but didn't read in 2022 for whatever reason (including that a book in that series wasn't released) 
  89. Series I Read in 2022 But Not in 2023-A series that I read in 2022, but didn't read in 2023 for whatever reason (including that a book in that series wasn't released) 
  90. Series I Read in 2023 But Not in 2024-A series that I read in 2022, but didn't read in 2023 for whatever reason (including that a book in that series wasn't released) 
  91. Series Not Touched in 2025-A series that I haven't touched this year so far
  92. Series Not Touched since before 2020-A series that I read before 2020, but haven't since
  93. Blind-Having a selection of books, and picking on blindly
  94. Louisa Pick-I'll pick whatever book I want!
  95. Mom Pick-I'll have a selection of books, and I'll have my mom pick a book
  96. Dobby Pick-I'll have a selection of books, and Dobby will pick which one I'll read Not ready to get rid of this prompt yet, but it hurts that I won't ever get it again
  97. Jax Pick-I'll have a selection of books, and Jax will pick which one I'll read
  98. Holly Pick-I'll have a selection of books, and Holly will pick which one I'll read
  99. Lowest Rated-A book has a low rating on Goodreads
  100. Highest Rated-A book has ahigh rating on Goodreads
  101. Hype-A book that has a bunch of hype around it
  102. Trope-A book with a common trope
  103. 2nd Chance-A book that I started, and then put down, for whatever reason
  104. Ebook-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in ebook copy
  105. Physical Book-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in physical copy
  106. Hardcover-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in Hardcover
  107. Oversized Hardcover-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in Oversized Hardcover
  108. Paperback-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in Paperback
  109. Mass Market Paperback-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in Mass Market Paperback
  110. PDF Book-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in PDF copy
  111. Audiobook-A book that I have, either own or borrowed, in audio format
  112. Adaptation-A book that has been, or is in the process of (when it's almost done in the process) adapted into a movie or TV show
  113. Book Battle-A book that is on my Book Battle TBR
  114. The Bookworm Revolution-A book that is on my The Bookworm Revolution TBR
  115. Physical Book to Read in 2021-A book that is on my Physical 21 Books to Read in 2021 List
  116. NetGalley Book to Read in 2021-A book that is on my NetGalley 21 Books to Read in 2021 List
  117. Edelweiss Book to Read in 2021-A book that is on my Edelweiss 21 Books to Read in 2021 List
  118. Book to Read in 2021-A book that is on one of my 21 Books to Read in 2021 Lists
  119. Physical Book to Read in 2022-A book that is on my Physical 22 Books to Read in 2022 List
  120. ARC Book to Read in 2022-A book that is on my ARC 22 Books to Read in 2022 List
  121. Book to Read in 2022-A book that is on one of my 22 Books to Read in 2022 Lists
  122. Physical Book to Read in 2023-A book that is on my Physical 23 Books to Read in 2023 List
  123. ARC Book to Read in 2023-A book that is on my ARC 23 Books to Read in 2023 List
  124. Book to Read in 2023-A book that is on one of my 23 Books to Read in 2023 Lists
  125. Physical Book to Read in 2024-A book that is on my Physical 24 Books to Read in 2024 List
  126. ARC Book to Read in 2024-A book that is on my ARC 24 Books to Read in 2024 List
  127. Book to Read in 2024-A book that is on one of my 24 Books to Read in 2024 Lists
  128. Physical Book to Read in 2025-A book that is on my Physical 25 Books to Read in 2025 List
  129. ARC Book to Read in 2025-A book that is on my ARC 25 Books to Read in 2025 List
  130. Book to Read in 2025-A book that is on one of my 25 Books to Read in 2025 Lists
  131. A-Z Reading Challenge-A book that I can use for A-Z- Reading Challenge
  132. LLFL Book-A book that is on my LLFL reading challenge
  133. RR Book-A book that has been featured on in a RR post
  134. WTC Book-A book that has been featured on in a WTC post
  135. One Word Title-A book with just one word in the title
  136. Multi-Word Title-A book with more than one word in the title
  137. No Article Words Title-A book with a title without a, an, the
  138. Blurbed-Blurbed by an author that I enjoy
  139. Big Book-A book over 450 pages long
  140. Short Book-A book under 250 pages long
  141. Travel-A book that take someplace other than the US or Canada
  142. Mood Read-A book that I feel like reading
  143. Seasonal Read-A book that is set in the same season
  144. Representation-A book that has representation in it, LGBTIA+ and/or BIPOC
  145. Been Putting Off-A book that I've been putting off reading
  146. Wild Card-A book that I know little to nothing about
  147. Retelling-A book that is a retelling of another book, fairy tale, myth or legend
  148. Readers Also Enjoyed-The first book that I haven't read (or the first book in the series that I haven't read yet) from a random book's Readers Also Enjoyed on Goodreads
  149. Genre Most Read-a book that is most read in a genre that week
  150. Goodreads Update Feed-To read the first book that I have a copy of and haven't read that I see in my Goodreads Update Feed
  151. Goodreads Recommends-A book that is in my Goodreads Recommends
  152. Goodreads Choice Book-A book that either was nominated or won the Goodreads Choice Awards
  153. Award-A book that won an award
  154. For Fans Of-A book that has been compared to other books
  155. Reading Challenge-A book that I have to read during a Reading Challenge or Readathon
  156. Reading Challenge Prompt-A book that fits a prompt from a Reading Challenge or Readathon that I've participated in, like has a map in in
  157. #Bookstagram-The first book (or part of the series) on Bookstagram that I want to read that I see using that hashtag 
  158. #Currentlyreading-The first book (or part of the series) on Bookstagram that I want to read that I see using that hashtag
  159. Odd Chapters-A book with an odd number of chapters
  160. Even Chapters-A book with an even number of chapters
  161. Chapter Titles-A book with titles for the chapters
  162. Epigraph-A book that has an Epigraph in it, either at the beginning, or at the start of each chapter
  163. Less Than 500 Reviews-A book that has less than 500 reviews on Goodreads
  164. More Than 1000 Reviews-A book that has more than 1000 reviews on Goodreads
  165. Less Than 500 Ratings-A book that has less than 500 ratings on Goodreads
  166. More Than 1000 Ratings-A book that has more than 1000 ratings on Goodreads
  167. Buddy Read-A book that I'll read with someone else
  168. Steal a Book-A book that is on someone else's TBR
  169. Poll Pick-To create a poll with some options, and having people vote and the winner being the one I read
  170. Coin Toss-To have a book that I want to read, and one that I don't want to, and assigning them to heads and tails, and whichever side of the coin is face up, is the book I read 
  171. Reading Now-A book that I started to read on my tablet, but put it down before I got the point of marking it as Currently Reading on Goodreads
  172. Variety Prompt-To read a book that fits a prompt from a list of prompts that on their own don't have very many options
  173. 2020 Purchase-A book that I bought in 2020, but haven't yet read
  174. 2021 Purchase-A Book that I bought in 2021, but haven't yet read
  175. 2022 Purchase-A Book that I bought in 2022, but haven't yet read
  176. 2023 Purchase-A Book that I bought in 2023, but haven't yet read
  177. 2024 Purchase-A Book that I bought in 2024, but haven't yet read
  178. 2025 Purchase-A Book that I bought in 2025, but haven't yet read
  179. Owned Pre-2020-A book that I bought before 2020
  180. TBR Cart-A book that's on my TBR cart
  181. Booktuber Read-A book that I saw a Booktuber read or put on my radar, regardless of how much they enjoyed it or not
  182. Read a Book in One Sitting-To read a book in just one siting
  183. Read a Book in the Same Place-To read a book in the same place, though it can be in multiple sittings
  184. Read a Book while writing a review at the end of each chapter-That for each chapter of the book that I read, I have to write a review
  185. Read a Book After Dark-To read a book after the sun has gone down
Variety Prompts:
Audible Book-A book that started out as an Audible Original Book
Banned Book-A book that has been banned or at least challenged
Anthology-A book that is a collection of short stories
Graphic Novel-A book that is in graphic novel form
Special Edition-A book that is an special edition, that it could have sprayed edges, different cover, bonus content 

Total Prompts Minus those in Use: 173

Can't Buy a Book for a Month-Book buying ban! Pretty self-explanatory.
Can't Read a New Release-Can't read the brand new release that just came out-books that I got ARC's of don't count
Mom Picks the Book to Fulfill the Prompt-Giving my mom the prompt, and having her choose the book to fulfill it
Dad Picks the Book to Fulfill the Prompt-Giving my dad the prompt, and having him choose the book to fulfill it
Book Fulfills Two Prompts-do two spins, and the book I choose must fulfill both prompts. Excluding the various Picks besides Louisa Pick, and spinning again if a conflicting prompt is spun, like start a series and end a series. The colours of the 2nd spin don't count.
Overall Prompt-To pick a prompt from any of the above prompts, that all the spins of that week have to fit with it as well as what is spun (spin again if the spin prompt conflicts with that prompt was chosen)
Skip Reading-To have an hour where I can't read for fun
BOOK Workout-To do a round of 10 burpies, 20 overhead shoulder circles, 20 overhead tricep extensions, and 20 kickbacks
Different Game-For one week, to play a different TBR game instead of Wheel of TBR
Bad Prompt-To add a bad prompt to the wheel, so punishment could happen right away, or might lurk until it lands on it

Bad Prompts:
Unliked Genre-Read a book in a genre I don't really enjoy, like Contemporary
Big Book 2.0-A book that is over 500 pages, but isn't one I'm anticipating reading
Additional Spin-Have to add a spin, and to get the prompt for this spin, get a random number to find a random prompt from the good prompts

Prompts in Use:
ARC Book to Read in 2024-Red
No Article Words Title-Orange
Newly Published-Yellow
Book to Read in 2023-Chartreuse
Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2022-Spring Green
Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2023-Cyan
Reading Now-Azure
NetGalley Book to Read in 2021-Blue
ARC Book to Read in 2023-Violet
Catch Up With Author-Magenta
ARC Book to Read in 2025-Rose

Binge Read Wheel:
Author-Binge read books by the same author, and can be more than one author
Reread-Bing read books that I've read before
Physical TBR-Binge read books that I own
Genre-Binge read books in the same genre
Ebook TBR-Binge read books that I have as ebooks
ARC-Binge read books that I've gotten as ARC's
Publisher-Binge read books that are published by the same publisher
Stand Alones-Binge read books that are stand alones
Meme-Binge read books that have been featured on a meme post
Dying to Read-Binge read books that I'm dying to read
Yearly Goals-Bing read books that fulfill my yearly goals which includes any books from lists posted at the beginning of the year (LLFL, A-Z Reading Challenge, etcetera)

Each month, I'll have a prompt off of the Binge Read Wheel to read. Sometimes I'll spin the wheel. Others, I'll specifically pick the prompt.

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I love comments, so comment away! I'll comment back if you leave a post-specific link for me to visit! If you leave that link, I'll always comment back, even if it's like, a month late!

This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!