Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Dogs and Don't Eat...(Fill In the Blank)

My image for my google account is a picture of my dogs, Dobby and Winky.
Winky is the one looking at you with those soulful eyes. Dobby's the one at the bottom right corner looking at you a bit funny. My doggies are so cute, don't you agree?
One thing that I say constantly around them is "Dont eat __(something that they were trying to eat that they shouldn't have) that!" They really eat a lot of things that they shouldn't. Like grass after the lawn's been mowed (and with a 3.9 acre yard, that's a lot of grass) Like weeds. They like weeds, like dandylions and such. They'll eat them instead of getting busy so we can go back inside and get away from the bugs.

Oh, I forgot something.

They used, and did again today, eat their poop.

They haven't done it in a while, but then today there was an incident. I woke up to my mom yelling "Bad Boy" at Dobby (the doggies where sleeping with me last night, and then around 7 my dad came and took them outside, and my mom started yelling and stomping around at 10) and when I got up, she told me the story.

Dobby hadn't gone all his poop on his morning poop walk, and had pooped all over the main floor (my house is a bungalow, my room is in the basement. And it's a good thing that my dad's a carpet cleaner, he cleaned the living room carpet) and he wasn't done so my mom took him outside to finish.

While she was doing that, Winky, that cute, innocent girl you see there, ate Dobby's poop. They used to do it when they were younger, but they'd  grown out of that habit, or so we hoped and thought.

Apparently, if they have an opportuinty, they will do so.

And so when I got upstairs, it smelled really, really bad, feces mixed with the smell of air freshener, which wasn't really working well, with the doggies in their room, which is also the laundry room (we have a door on eihter side, one from the garage, the other to get to the hall leading to the front of the house, which is boxed by a bathroom and a closet on either side of the opening.

My mom said that she was mad at them and didn't want to see them (The laundry room also has a walk in pantry, a door at one end, and a gate at the other, so that the doggies don't get into the food)

Silly doggies. They'll never learn, will they? But they're just so darned cute!

Oh, another thing that they like to eat? Socks (Like the ones that Dobby finds in my room and takes out to try and eat) and cardboard. The latter is a toy, that they can have, since they once destroyed a toy meant for a big dog (and they are pretty small) in about 1 day, so we give them cardboard to destroy, Dobby likes digging in the corners to he can, I dunno, play with it, get a peice to chew or something.

The people that we house them with when we go on vacation (about once a year, but they're not going till I move out) call them the "terrible two".  Have any guesses why they're called that? Yep, those are my doggies! What about your pets? Any funny or silly or annoying stories?

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