From Goodreads:
Chloe Masters's world changed in a heartbeat - and all she did was touch a doorknob.
When she was young Chloe's mother vanished. Wracked by feelings of abandonment and anger she lost herself traveling with her father's magic act, where illusions were part of her everyday life. Yet everything changes when they are pursued by a mysterious man in black out to kill her father. Touching a doorknob activates abilities she never knew she had and she finds herself thrust into a world of ancient societies and secrets.
When her father disappears it is a race against time to find answers before she loses what is left of her family. Now Chloe must choose who to trust, the man who will do anything for her or the one she can't stop thinking about.
My Review:
Ooh, I enjoyed this book a lot! Chloe's voice was really fantastic to read, and one that I enjoyed doing so, with the way that she saw things as she was pushed into this world! Really fantastic, and entertaining to read!
The power that she has-and this world that allows her to have it-is different and unique, and just what I love in books, because that's what makes it easier for me to identify and remember them! And I want to remember them!
So I was kinda reminded of the Harry Potter series, seeing that there's a person who gets introduced to this magical world later then most, and is important to that world, and that feel was really great, just all the more special!
I really enjoyed all these characters, her friends, her classmates, because they were just hilarious and awesome, and helpful, in finding her dad, and that journey! Which ends in a pretty big fight, and a pretty big twist at the end, too!
I did have a thing against the comma use in this book, but other then that, I really enjoyed it!
Author: M.J. Fletcher
Series: The Doorknob Society #1
Read: July 29th, 2012
Source: Reading Addiction Book Tours Review Copy
Reason Why: Sounded like an excellent book!
Published: February 9th 2012
5/5 Hearts |
4/5 Books |
4/5 Stars |
We stood outside the
arched wooden door while Jess texted Nightshade that we were there. The cold
night air was starting to take a toll and I wrapped my arms around myself
rubbing my sides to keep warm. Slade stepped behind me, placed his hands on the
sides of my arms and ran them up and down warming me up until I wanted to melt
against him.
The door creaked opened,
Nightshade stood framed in the archway. He wore jeans with his ever present
skeleton key belt buckle. He was shirtless; his chest was not as thick as
Slade’s though well-defined with a natural cut of muscles and with a patch of
hair running across it. He lifted his hand sliding it through his messed hair.
He glanced lazily around to each of us until he rested on me —or more
precisely— Slade’s hands on me and then he shifted his attention to my face and
I could have sworn I saw annoyance in his eyes.
“Jess, you didn’t tell me
you were bringing Paladin’s cutest couple.” He laughed and stepped aside waving
us in.
Slade’s hands tensed on my arms and I grabbed
one squeezing it gently and held on to it.
“Sorry, Jimmy.” Jess
smiled and stood next to Nightshade after entering
“No problem, beautiful,”
he said. His fingers slid across her cheek and she blushed.
He swung the door closed
after Edgar, the last one to enter. We followed him up the stairs to a large
open room that contained a couple of couches, a small kitchen tucked off to one
side, and a breakfast bar and two stools protruding at the end.
“We need some help, Jimmy,”
Jess said as he walked to the fridge, pulled it open and pulled out a can of
soda. He turned and flipped it in the air toward Eddie who caught it and
“Thanks, Nightshade.”
Eddie popped the top and drank.
“Anyone else? Lovebirds,
I could give you two straws.”
“That’s it, Nightshade,
one more comment…” Slade headed for him his hand pulled back in a massive fist.
Nightshade laughed and
leaned against the kitchen counter and smirked. “Anytime you want to try Slade
you go right ahead.”
His mocking grin made my blood boil. “This was
a mistake.”
“What’s a mistake?”
Nightshade asked.
As much as I wanted to leave,
I needed Nightshade’s help. I grabbed my phone, clicked the photo of the list
of names and slid it across the breakfast bar to him. He picked it up and
looked over the list.
“Okay so?”
“The SKG member on the
list do you know him?” I stared into his strange colored eyes and waited for an
answer, hoping and praying it wouldn’t be some lie to further his own ends.
“I recognize the name.”
“Can you help us find
him?” I asked.
“No,” he said not even
giving it thought.
“What? Why not?” My
frustration leapt but I caught it before it reached my tongue and I spit words
at him that I’d regret since I desperately needed his help.
“Jess.” He turned away
from me to her. ‘What’s going on? Why are you helping non-guilders?”
“They took… Gran.” As
soon as Jess mentioned Gran her control slipped. Tears rolled down her cheeks
and she started to tremble.
I moved to comfort her but Nightshade was
there before me. He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her against him. She
buried her head in his chest and sobbed. He pressed his cheek against hers
whispering something in her ear that I couldn’t make out. He stroked her hair
as he did, and I watched in amazement at how caring and loving he could be when
I had known only his sardonic side.
Nightshade looked
directly at me. “Give us a minute.” He
then took Jess and they walked out of the room and I heard a door close down
the hallway.
“What was that all
about?” Slade asked.
“She’s upset. It’s been a
rough night,” I said as I slid down on the couch beside Edgar.
“I guess,” Slade said as
he sat on the opposite couch. “Though I doubt it hurts that Nightshade’s half
naked.” He laughed.
“What are you talking
about?” I snapped annoyed at what his humor suggested.
“Didn’t you see the way
she looked at him? I think Jess was angling for more than some comfort.” Slade
“She’s just upset.” I got
even more annoyed when Slade raised his hands in mock defeat. I didn’t like
what he was implying. We’d been through a lot and I doubted Jess was thinking
about getting James alone. And it’s not like Nightshade would fall for that
anyway, his conniving nature would see right through it.
Time seemed to slow down
as we waited. Eddie rested his head back on the couch and was asleep within
minutes. Slade was next stretching out on the other couch and drifting off to
sleep. I sat alone with my thoughts, growing ever more frustrated that Jess and
Nightshade had disappeared on us. I mean seriously, people, we’re running for
our lives and she goes off with some guy and why? Because he’s hot with his
shirt off?
After an hour I heard the
click of a door and approaching footsteps. Nightshade entered still shirtless,
his hair messier than before if that was possible. He looked around the room at
the others sleeping and waved his hand for me to follow him. I got up quietly
trying not to wake Eddie, who snored and rolled over on his side into a ball on
the couch.
We left the room and at
the end of the hall he touched a skeleton key on the wall and it fell away
revealing a spiral staircase. James headed down; I took a deep breath and
The staircase ended in a
massive room filled with various makes and models of cars while several images
of skeleton keys hung on the walls. In the middle of the room sat an
old-fashioned car. It was deep blue and had red flames on the hood. James was
standing by a workbench and grabbed a t-shirt off it and slid it on.
“What’s all this?”
“My garage, it’s quiet
down here. We can talk and your friends can rest.”
“Talk about what?” I
asked leaning up against the old-fashioned car. Nightshade stepped toward me,
reached out and took hold of my arm. I looked down at his hand and back at him,
and then he pulled me forward. My breath caught and I didn’t move.
“That’s a classic Hudson
Hornet, please don’t lean on it.”
I pushed his hand off me
and stepped away. Men and their stupid
cars. “Whatever, are you going to help us or not?”
“Jess, told me what’s
going on. It seems pretty serious and it’s a damn bold plan, I give you credit
for that.” He grinned.
“But?” I knew something
was coming, though I didn’t know what.
“I don’t know if I’m
willing to stick my neck out for the lot of you.”
“Jess is your friend and
so is Edgar?” I reminded, trying the guilt tactic, hoping it might convince
“But I can’t stand Slade,
and then there’s you.” His half smile taunted me.
“I know you can’t stand
me either, I get it.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty
“I hadn’t realized. I
should work on controlling my emotions better.”
“Sorry, I’m not a
shrinking violet like my cousin. I didn’t come here to weep on your naked chest.
I came here because I need help and you’re the only one I could turn too. If I
couldn’t work up tears for my lost father or injured grandmother, I doubt I can
do it for you. Okay, I’m broken, and you can’t stand me. I get it, alright!” I
took a deep breath angry at myself for letting him get under my skin again.
He stared at me with those damn intense eyes.
He didn’t say anything just stared, making me feel uncomfortable and stupid.
Why do I always seem not to be able to shut up around him?
“Quit staring at me and
say something.”
“I’ll help you on one
condition.” He didn’t smile or smirk and he didn’t stop staring. It was as
though he stared straight inside me and that made me more nervous than if he
had worn one of his evil grins.
“Which is?”
“You and I have to go see
him alone.”
“He isn’t going to talk
to a bunch of people from the different societies. He knows me and he doesn’t
really like anyone other than Guilders. It will be safer that way.”
“Jess is a Guilder?” I
questioned unsure of going alone with him.
“You and I that’s the
deal take it or leave it.”
What choice did I have
and so I wouldn’t debate my decision I quickly said. “Fine we go alone.”
He nodded. “You’d better
get some sleep. We’ll head there tomorrow.”
I didn’t bother to ask
him where, he wouldn’t tell me anyway. I
followed him up the stairs and part way down the hallway he stopped, opened a
door, entered and waved me in.
“I’ll stay with the
guys,” I stammered, though I entered the room.
“I don’t think so, they
each have a couch. Take the bed; you’ll have it all to yourself.”
“Oh,” Did I really think
he’d been inviting me to sleep with him? “Okay thanks.”
“I’ll be in by Jess.”
He turned and left
through another door closing it behind him. I was glad he didn’t look back and
see me flush red at his comment. I wanted to slam the door that opened onto the
hall shut but didn’t want to wake the guys so I shut it quietly and turned into
the room. I threw myself on the bed and took my frustration out on the pillows
punching them several times. So what if James Nightshade and my cousin spent
the night together… let them. They
deserved each other, they only thought about themselves anyway.
I pulled my hoodie off and slid it into my bag. My hand connected with a small metal object. I took the locket out and turned
it over in my hand. When this was all over I was going to need to figure out
what it was that I deserved.
MJ Fletcher is the creator of the comic book series Adam Zero: The Last Man of Earth published by Ronin Studios. he has also had comic book work published in Hope: The Hero Initiative and Digital Webbing Presents. The Doorknob Society Saga is his first book series and he is thrilled with how it has turned out. He lives at the beach with his wife, daughter, dog and a crotchety cat.
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*Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Reading Addiction Blog Tours and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Reading Addiction Blog Tours, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorcements and Testimonials in Advertising*