From Goodreads:
It's springtime at St. Vladimir's Academy, and Rose Hathaway is this close to graduation. Since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn't been feeling quite right. She's having dark thoughts, behaving erratically, and worst of all... might be seeing ghosts.
As Rose questions her sanity, new complications arise. Lissa has begun experimenting with her magic once more, their enemy Victor Dashkov might be set free, and Rose's forbidden relationship with Dimitri is starting to heat up again. But when a deadly threat no one saw coming changes their entire world, Rose must put her own life on the line - and choose between the two people she loves most.
From Goodreads:
Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same.
The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters ... Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa—her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?
Now, with everything at stake—and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend—can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?
From Goodreads:
Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong...
After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri's birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir's-and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can't wait for their real lives beyond the Academy's iron gates to begin. But Rose's heart still aches for Dimitri, and she knows he's out there, somewhere.
She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true. Dimitri has tasted her blood, and now he is hunting her. And this time he won't rest until Rose joins him... forever.
From Goodreads:
They come first.
My vision was growing dimmer, the blackness and ghosts closing in. I swore it was like I could hear Robert whispering in my ear: The world of the dead won't give you up a second time. Just before the light completely vanished, I saw Dimitri's face join Lissa's. I wanted to smile. I decided then that if the two people I loved most were safe, I could leave this world.
The dead could finally have me.
Rose Hathaway has always played by her own rules. She broke the law when she ran away from St. Vladimir's Academy with her best friend and last surviving Dragomir princess, Lissa. She broke the law when she fell in love with her gorgeous, off-limits instructor, Dimitri. And she dared to defy Queen Tatiana, leader of the Moroi world, risking her life and reputation to protect generations of dhampir guardians to come.
Now the law has finally caught up with Rose - for a crime she didn't even commit. She's in prison for the highest offense imaginable: the assassination of a monarch. She'll need help from both Dimitri and Adrian to find the one living person who can stall her execution and force the Moroi elite to acknowledge a shocking new candidate for the royal throne: Vasilisa Dragomir.
But the clock on Rose's life is running out. Rose knows in her heart the world of the dead wants her back...and this time she is truly out of second chances. The big question is, when your whole life is about saving others, who will save you?
From Goodreads:
Homecoming is about Rose and Dimitri, the couple from Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series.They are going back to Russia to see Dimitir's family, something that both of them sorely need. Dimitri had finally been restored into a dhampir, after being forcibly changed into strigoi. his family needs to see him for themselves, and Rose needs to go back to Russia and face her trauma from the trip she made before.
My Review:
Oh, it was just fantastic to read all these books! Reading all of the series from 3 to end, is just spectacular, and then it opens me up for rereading the Bloodlines spin off seires, and The Fiery Heart! I just can't wait!
All of these characters, they have a lot of bad things happening to them, and plots are schemed, by the good guys and the bad guys, and they learn more about Spirit, and it's users, and yeah, some of it's good, some is bad, and yeah, it's just so good!
I really enjoyed Adrian, because we know that he's going to be with Sydney, but he's still hung up on Rose in this series, and yeah, he did grow in these books, and it was just great to see the start of that, knowing how it's going to continue!
And then there's the politics! And because of the politics, family matters, and that Jailbait (I'm blanking on all but Adrian's nickname for her, maybe Jill?) being Lissa's half sister, knowing that her dad had an affair, that wasn't fun for Lisssa to learn, but it's helpful in running for Queen!
Yeah, this was just so good to read this series again, and I can't wait to be in this world some more!
Author: Richelle Mead
Series: Vampire Academy #3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5
Read: November 29th, 29th, 30th, 30th, 30th, 2013
Source: Own, Tuebl
Reason Why: Rereading! And they're Sequel Challenge 2013 Books, and a End of Series 2013 Book!
Publisher: Razorbill
Published: November 13th 2008, August 25th 2009, May 18th 2010, December 7th 2010, 2012
Shadow Kiss:
5/5 Hearts |
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Blood Promise:
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5/5 Stars |
Spirit Bound:
5/5 Hearts |
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Last Sacrifice:
5/5 Hearts |
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5/5 Stars |
5/5 Hearts |
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