Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Few Random Things

So I have a few things that I've been meaning to mention for a a while, on some of them, so I'll itemize them!

  • This week's reviews, the ones that are written, any ways, and some that are partially done, have favourite lines. Which means that I either a) wrote some of the review while I was reading the book or b) made a note of the page(s) so I could go back and add it. I hope to have this is more of my reviews as time goes on, because it means that I'm keeping up with my reviews! Sorry about having some not done!
  • Which leads to my next point. From Tuesday on, besides the Garden of Ashes review, the posts don't have the content. I blame work, as we had a min of 3 jobs a day, and a max of 6. All of which is without a computer-but not without a book. So I'll do my best to add the content later today, as it is past midnight here, and yeah.
  • Another thing about reviews, that I've been meaning to mention for a while, is song(s) for a book, whether it's something that I was listening to while reading a book and I just put it on repeat, or I was reading a book, and remembered some lyrics reminded me of the book, and yeah, just listening to it on repeat, so that sometimes, when I hear the song later, I can remember parts of the book. The first time this happened, it was the Kelly Clarkson Breakaway CD, and these 3 books. A notable one for me is Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench, and Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder. Both are favourites, extremely, I've listened to that song over 10,000 times, even with my computer's memory being wiped/replaced again and again. The most recent that I remember, is Dark Horse by Katy Perry, and The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson. So whenever I say that a song is a book's, this is what I mean!
  • I had a book idea that I can more clearly see myself writing. Just an idea, and I'd have to come up with a title, and do a little bit of research into rare, terminal illnesses/disease. And if I want to set it now, sometimes in the future, sometime in the future with humans on another planet something like the Linked duo? The main thing is her figuring out what happened to her, but yeah, hmm, just writing this makes me want to connect to another idea that I had, on this idea I had reading Dangerous Tides by Christine Feehan, and how Libby's a healer, and a interaction between Libby, Ty, and his cousin, what if a bad guy had the ability to heal and make you forget the pain you experienced at their hands, especially mentally, so you wouldn't know how badly they actually treated you. Both have some medical elements, and I could shift some things around...I like this. Hopefully I'll write it! But no guarantees, seeing as this is me, and I seem to be on book phases, reading, writing, and blogging. And my writing one ended about 2, 2 1/2  years ago. 

Yeah. So those are my random little things that I wanted to say. What about you guys? Happy reading!

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