Friday, January 31, 2025

Monthly ARC's March Round Up

This is my monthly ARC accountability challenge, to list out the books that I have as ARC's that are being published in the coming month, rounding them up at the start of the month, and seeing how well I did at the end, as well as rounding up the next month's books. 

So how did I do last month? 
I read 3 of 7 books. So not the best, but it's almost half! 

So the ARC's that I have coming out in February are
The Warbler by Sarah Beth Durst - March 1st, 2025
When the Bones Sing by Ginny Myers Sain - March 4th, 2025
Finlay Donovan Digs Her Own Grave by Elle Cosimano - March 4th, 2025
We Were Warned by Chelsea Ichaso - March 4th, 2025

Igniting Fate by Jean Louise - March 11th, 2025

5 books. Which is not bad, so hopefully I can read a good chunk of them in February, though I'm always hopeful that I'll read all the books in the month before they come out! 


  1. How was the Finlay Donovan book? I have it and haven't read it yet, kind of didn't enjoy the last one so I have been putting it off a bit

    1. I really enjoyed it, a good deal of the remaining story threads were dealt with. But I enjoy everything, so I'm not to most objective. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  2. For some reason the above comment didn't leave my name--here is my blog--


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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!