Saturday, July 29, 2023

Week 30 Review: Interference

From Goodreads:
The sequel to Sue Burke's sweeping SF epic debut, Semiosis, continues in Interference as the colonists and a team from Earth confront a new and more implacable intelligence.

Over two hundred years after the first colonists landed on Pax, a new set of explorers arrives from Earth on what they claim is a temporary scientific mission.

But the Earthlings misunderstand the nature of the Pax settlement and its real leader. Even as Stevland attempts to protect his human tools, a more insidious enemy than the Earthlings makes itself known.

Stevland is not the apex species.

My Review:
I had such a fantastic time reading this book! I really enjoyed the first one, and I was really excited to see where this story would go, after the way things were told in the first one, with the different generations, or if it would follow the same characters. That it took place in a very short amount of time, like months, vs. the generations of the first book, was pretty interesting to read! 

The world of Pax is so interesting, that humanity has Stevland to be the dominant, apex species on the planet. We're so used to seeing ourselves as the apex species, because from our perspective, on Earth, we are. But they're no longer on Earth. That it was a mix of people who've grown up on Pax, and some new arrivals from Earth who don't get how things go on Pax, was a really good contrast.

We briefly had some time with the Glassmakers in the first book, and we got to spend a lot more time with them in this one, which was great, to have these 2 different alien races interacting with humanity, and I had to have more! 

I've seen talk about there being a 3rd book, which I would love to see, that Stevland arranged to have his seeds sent back to Earth, that sounds like a really interesting premise, about what help that could be to the humanity there, because honestly, we've proven that we're not the best at governing ourselves. 

Loved reading this book, and I can't wait to read more by Sue Burke! 

Author: Sue Burke
Series: Semiosis Duology #2
Read: July 25th, 2023
Source: Library
Reason Why: Loved the first book, and it's a End of Series 2023 Book and a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book! 
Publisher: Tor Books 
Published: October 22nd 2019
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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