I read more this year, I'm really happy with what I read, at 658. I am a little annoyed at this post, because I realized that I've done something silly-that number is books read in 2020. But in years previous, I did all the books that were reviewed in that year. It's too much work to go back and add those few books that I read at the end of 2019 to 2019's post, so I'm just going to make note of them at the bottom, so next year, it'll only be the books that I read in 2021!
I read books from January to December, and of those, were the ones that I absolutely loved, be it writing, thinking about it after, how much I'm anticipating any sequels or other books by the author, or the emotions it evoked, like "I hate that villain, they're so bad! HATEHATEHATE!!!! Yep.
So here's those books in alphabetical order so there's no strangeness among them!
So first off is An Abundance of Katherines by John Green! I just love the quickness of the characters, they were a lot of fun, and the story was a really great read!
Next is the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire, Every Heart a Doorway, Down Among the Sticks and Bones, Beneath the the Sugar Sky, In An Absent Dream, Juice Like Wounds, Come Tumbling Down, and Across the Green Grass Fields! Oh, man, this series! I loved the idea, and the writing was excellent, and it was just a bunch of oddball novellas, and I loved it! Next is The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson! I loved reading this book again, getting to know Jenna and the mystery in her life! She's just such a mystery to herself, and I really enjoyed getting to know her and her past and what happened to her!
Next is The Aftermath by Jen Alexander! I loved this world, and the characters were great, and I just hated the situation she was in! I was really pulled into this world with excellent writing and plot! Next is Again, But Better by Christine Riccio! This was such an unexpected read, I loved the story and their journey, it was such a great read! And that twist? Totally unexpected, and just brought this book to another level! Next is Alien Secrets by Ian Douglas! I loved this world and the science and the characters were just so great! And that ending was amazing, I need to know where things are going to go from here!
Next is All Out Anthology! This anthology was so fantastic, I loved the idea that brought them all together as a a theme, and the stories were all amazing to read!
Next is All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban! I loved the mystery of this book, and the tensions and it came together so wonderfully, I just loved these characters and their stories!
Next is Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson! This book was just utterly wonderful, dealing with a sensitive topic, and I loved that ending, it was just absolutely incredible, on top of everything amazing about this book! Next is Mistborn: Era Two series by Brandon Sanderson, The Alloy of Law, Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania, Shadows of Self, The Bands of Mourning, and Secret History! I love this world and I love this series-and in particular, being in this world again, but in a different and further along time was so fantastic and so unique, I loved seeing the changes from the first series, and meeting these new characters! Such great reads! Overall, all the books in the Cosmere, not just this series, are top read of 2020, I just loved them all so much!
Next is the Psy-Changeling Trinity series by Nalini Singh, Wolf Rain and Alpha Night! I just love the romance and these characters, as well as spending more time in this world and all the developments that occurred! It's so great, and Nalini Singh continually proves her amazing writing!
Next is American Demon by Kim Harrison! This world is so incredible and I'm so happy to be in it again with these characters! And I loved seeing them deal with the aftermath of what happened in the previously final book in the series! This story was so great! Next is Among the Beasts and Briars by Ashley Poston! I loved this book, the world was incredible, I loved the story, and I just have to say, the cover is stunning and I love it! Next is An Anatomy of Beasts by Olivia A. Cole! I love this world and these characters, and the moral questions raised in this book, because humans aren't native to the planet, and have caused such harm. I really hope we get a 3rd book! Next is Angel Mage by Garth Nix! This book was amazing, I loved the mystery and the world, and these characters, as all the moving pieces came together! It was an incredible read! Next is the Mind Games series by Kiersten White, Annie and Fia, Mind Games, and Perfect Lies! I love this series, I love the world and I love the characters and their relationships, as well as the plots and twists and turns! They were all so great to read! Next is The Antidote by Shelley Sackier! This was such a great read, I loved the world and these characters, and getting to watch their stories was so fantastic!
Next is the Goddess War series by Kendare Blake, The Dogs of Athens, When Gods and Vampires Roamed Miami, and Antigoddess! This world of Greek Gods in the modern times was such an interesting concept, and I loved the stories with these characters, and I'm so excited to see where it goes from here! Next is the Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh, Archangel's War and Archangel's Sun! This world is just incredible, I love these characters and their romances, and of course the writing is excellent!
Next is The Archive of the Forgotten by A. J. Hackwith! There's so much to praise about this book, from the concept, the ideas posed, as well as the writing and the characters! It's phenomenal!
Next is the Lady Sherlock series by Sherry Thomas, The Art of Theft and Murder on a Cold Street! I love this world, with a gender bent Sherlock Holmes and the mysteries are so intriguing, and I love how they come together!
Next is the Trylle series by Amanda Hocking, Switched, The Vittra Attacks, Torn, One Day: Three Ways, Ascend, and Ever After! I just love this world, and I love these characters, and these adventures that they have!
Next is the Poison Study series by Maria V. Sndyer, Poison Study, Assassin Study, Magic Study, Fire Study, Power Study, and Ice Study! This series is always so enjoyable, I love the writing, first off, the characters are so amazing, and I just enjoy the stories these books contain!
Next is the Aurora Cycle series by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Aurora Rising and Aurora Burning! These are just hilarious, I love the world and these characters, and the plot, and the ending of Burning has me dying for book 3!
Next is the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, Summer Knight, Death Masks, Vignette, Blood Rites, I Was Teenaged Bigfoot, Dead Beat, Something Borrowed, Proven Guilty, White Night, It's My Birthday, Too, Heorot, Mike, Small Favor, Harry's Day Off, The Warrior, Backup, Last Call, Curses, Turn Coat, Journal, Love Hurts, Even Hand, Bigfoot on Campus, Changes, Goodbye, Side Jobs, Ghost Story, Bombshells, Cold Days, Cold Case, Skin Case, Brief Cases, Job Placement, Jury Duty, Day One, Everything the Light Touches, Peace Talks, Battle Ground, and Christmas Eve! This series is a gem, I know I started it in 2019 but I really found my footing in it in 2020, and just devoured the rest of what was published, and everything was just so great, from the mysteries, to the world and the magic, and the deepening of the world, the pulling together of the underlying plot, and Dresden's development as a character! Overall, this series is really, really close to being top reads of 2020. So close!
Next is Badger to the Bone by Shelley Laurenston! This book was just utterly hilarious, and the romance and the story was just great to read, and Shelley Laurenston is just a fantastic author to read if you want a wild, crazy ride! Next is the Cormac and Amelia series by Carrie Vaughn, Dark Divide and Badlands Witch! It was so great to have more stories from Cormac and Amelia's perspectives, I loved the mysteries and the plot, and they were fantastic reads!
Next is The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay! This series is just dark and thrilling and I love the stories, the writing is compelling, and I love these characters (or loved to hate in the case of Ballad!)
Next is the A Gathering of Dragons/Barbarians series by Milla Vane, The Beast of Blackmoor, Silent Night, A Heart of Blood and Ashes, and A Touch of Stone and Snow! The characters are amazing, I loved the romances, and the developing plot of the series, I need to know what's going to happen next!
Next is The Beckoning Shadow by Katharyn Blair! I have to say first that this cover is so pretty, and I loved this magical fight club story! Plus I loved the character journeys! Next is The Beholder series by Anna Bright, The Beholder and The Boundless! These stories were so epic, they started off with finding a husband, and grew and grew to such a huge scope of the world, and it was amazing! And I loved the characters story arc, there was so much injustice to fight!
Next is Bending the Paw by Diane Kelly! I loved more time with this human/dog investigative duo! I enjoyed the mystery, and I really enjoyed how the characters lives progressed! Next is The Betrothed by Kiera Cass! This book was pretty amazing, I loved the characters who maybe didn't always make the right decisions, but there was love! And that ending was absolutely brutal, and I need to read the 2nd book! And it doesn't hurt that the cover is stunning! Next is Beyond a Darkened Shore by Jessica Leake! I had such a great time in this world, I loved the magic, and I raged at the unfairness at the way she was treated! It was such an amazing story!Next is Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland! This book was a gem, I love the ace rep, as well as the mystery surrounding what was beyond the door, as well as all the politics that she was drawn into! Next is the Fire and Thorns series by Rae Carson, The Shadow Cats, The Shattered Mountain, The King's Guard, The Girl of Fire and Thorns, The Crown of Embers, The Bitter Kingdom, and The Empire of Dreams! I just love this series, and the journey that Elisa goes on, and seeing her in the future from Red's perspective was amazing! I adore everything about this series!
Next is The Black Coats by Colleen Oakes! This tale of justice and vengeance and girl power was a really great read, and I really enjoyed the journey these characters went on, with the fine line before going too far!
Next is Blink of an Eye by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen! I loved this mystery, it was thrilling and I loved spending more time with these characters, and the progress that they made!
Next is Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin! This book was amazing, I loved seeing more of this world, and how it grew, as well as dealing with everything that happened in the previous book! And the ending was amazing, and I need the 3rd book now! Next is Blood Red Road by Moira Young! I love the characters and their stories and this world! The narration is unique and I waffle as to whether or not I like it, but this is such a great story, and I need to continue the series!
Next is The Blood Spell by C.J. Redwine! I loved this retelling and seeing more of this world! This was another great entry to the series (and probably it's final book, given that it came out in 2019, and there wasn't a book last year, which is a little sad, because I would've loved more!) I loved this hate to love romance, and dealing with the bad guy, who if they'd gone about the aims in a different way, I would've sympathized with, because she was is a pretty bad position. Next is Blood Countess by Lana Popović! This book was dark and twisted, and I loved the story so much, and Anna's story of falling for the Countess-and then fighting back against her! Such a great read!Next is Blood Will Out by Jo Treggiari! I loved the mystery, it was so twisted and grim, and I just really wanted to know what happened, and the ending was pretty chilling, as well! Such a great read! Next is Bombshell by Rowan Maness! This book was great and confusing, and I loved how it all worked out in the end!Next is Bone Crier's Moon by Kathryn Purdie! This book was san incredible read, I loved this story with sisterhood and romance and magic, and it was brilliant, and I can't wait for the sequel! Next is the Dauntless Path series by Intisar Khanani, Brambles, Thorn, and The Bone Knife! This series was utterly amazing, I raged at the unfairness, and loved the characters, and the world was so fantastic, and I'm so excited to continue the series!
Next is The Bone Maker by Sarah Beth Durst! This was an amazing read, and I enjoyed everything about it, from the "aftermath of the heroes winning" to the characters and the story and the world, it was so incredible! Next is The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon, The Pale Dreamer and The Bone Season! These were such great reads, I loved diving into this world and learning about these characters, and I'm really excited to see where their journeys take them from here!
Next is the Case Files of Henri Davenforth series by Honor Raconteur, Magic and the Shinigami Detective, Charms and Death and Explosions (oh my!), Magic Outside the Box, Breaking and Entering 101, and Three Charms for Murder! I utterly adore this series! The world in incredible, I love the characters (and Henri and Jamie's relationship) and the mysteries, and the writing is on point! This series will always be something I can read!
Next is the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, and The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide! This series is just so addicting, I love their romance an this world of vampires, it's an enjoyable story, no matter how much people dislike it!
Next is the Dred Chronicles series by Ann Aguirre, Perdition, Havoc, and Breakout! Yeah, this series is in the top reads of 2020. I just couldn't put these books down, they were action paced and incredible and dark and gritty and utterly amazing! I just love Ann Aguirre's writing, and this world was epic!
Next is The Bridge Kingdom series by Danielle L. Jensen, The Bridge Kingdom and The Traitor Queen! I loved reading both of these stories! I love the writing (because of course I did, I always love Danielle L. Jensen's writing) I loved these characters and their romance and the shocking moments! They were incredible reads!
Next is The Bright and Breaking Sea by Chloe Neill! This book was smart and sharp, with incredible characters and a world that I can't wait to explore, and I can't wait for more from this series!
Next is Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne! I loved this retelling of Jane Eyre in space, the story was great and I loved the characters! And I really enjoyed the world and the hope for the future where the story ends! Next is the Immortal Guardians series by Dianne Duvall, Death of Darkness and Broken Dawn! These were fantastic installments in this series, I loved seeing these characters find romance (and for Seth, it's a long time coming) and all the developments in this world! I can't wait for more!
Next is the Brooklyn Brujas series by Zoraida Córdova, Labyrinth Lost, Bruja Born, and Wayward Witch! This story about this family of Bruja's was fantastic, I loved how each sister got a book and her story, and how each explore different parts of this world, and these characters, and they were all fantastic to read!
Next is Burn by Patrick Ness! This book was unexpected, and I loved this world and the story was very tricky, and I loved the path that it took!
Next is the Malus Domestica series by S.A. Hunt, Burn the Dark, I Hunt With Knives, and The Hellion! This books were lyrical and the stories were grim, and I had a great time watching her fight witches!Next is The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson, Mitosis, Firefight, and Calamity! I loved seeing more of this world, and see David deal with Epics that he hasn't really studied his whole life! It was incredible to see all the twists and turns the stories took and revealed! Loved how it ended!
Next is A California Christmas by Brenda Novak! This was another enjoyable read, I loved the couple and the problems keeping them apart. I raged about how she was treated, and it was really satisfying how that all worked out! I had a great time reading it!Next is the Wallflowers of West Lane by A.S. Fenichel, The Earl Not Taken, Misleading a Duke, and Capturing the Earl! I loved this series of a group of ladies' with a strong friend group, and the relationships all but one of the members of the group develop! It was so much fun!
Next is Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare! This book was amazing, I loved being in this world again at this time period with these characters, it was great to see the characters of TID as parents! And the bad guys were just evil! I can't wait to see how the story progresses! Next is the Dragon Kin series by G.A. Aiken, Dragon Actually and Chains & Flames! I loved reading these two stories of dragons and love, and they were both utterly hilarious and I need to continue!
Next is Chaos by Iris Johansen! This was an amazing adventure, and I loved getting to know these new characters! I had such a blast going on this adventure! Next is Chaos Reigning by Jessie Mihalik! This as an amazing end to the series, the characters were fantastic, the plot and writing was tight and quick and amazing and I just really enjoyed this book! Next is the Sentinels of the Galaxy series by Maria V. Snyder, Navigating the Stars, Chasing the Shadows, and Defending the Galaxy! This series is an absolutely favourite, I love Maria V. Sndyer's writing, and this world with the Sentinels is so amazing, as well as these characters. Such fantastic reads!
Next is Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi! This book was epic and so worth the hype! I loved everything about it from the writing to the characters to the world, to completely despising the bad guys! It was an amazing read!
Next is the Crazy Rich Asians series by Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians, China Rich Girlfriend, and Rich People Problems! This series was just so fun to read, I loved the shenanigans of these super rich people!
Next is Chosen by Kirsten White! This was a really great sequel, I loved how everything worked out, and there were some really interesting developments there! And of course I really enjoyed the writing!Next is Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth! This book was utterly fantastic, from the concept of the chosen heroes after they've come out the other end of what they were chosen for, to the writing, the story, the world, and how it ended! I'm so excited to see where it goes from here!
Next is the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, Glitches, The Little Android, and Cinder! I love this series of fairytales retold in this future world! I love these characters and I can't wait to reread their future adventures!
Next is the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass! I love this world, and this series for first introducing us to it, and these characters and their stories! It's just so quick and easy to read, just so easy to devour!
Next is Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare! This book was dark and hilarious! I loved the fast paced thriller, I rooted for these characters and booed the bad guys! I had a great time reading this book! Next is Corpse & Crown by Alisa Kwitney! Loved having more of this series, loved meeting more characters, and dealing with more problems! Next is the Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Court of Mist and Fury, Wings and Embers, A Court of Wings and Ruin, A Court of Frost and Starlight! I just adore these characters and this world, and I loved going on these adventures with them again! They're just such great reads!
Next is Crier's War by Nina Varela! This book was amazing, the world and characters were so interesting (It does help that the over is very pretty) and I loved the romance, and I can't wait for the sequel! Next is the Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom and The Language of Thorns! These characters and the group dynamics are just utterly amazing, and I'm so glad that they exist. Plus these plots are thrilling and high stakes and edge of your seat reads!

Next is The Storm Crow series by Kalyn Josephson, The Storm Crow and The Crow Rider! I loved this world and these characters, with the crows and the politics and the romance and the betrayals! Such great reads!
Next is Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer! This book is stunning, from the world, to the race and the adventure! Such a fun read, and I'm so excited to continue the series! Next is the The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, The Cruel Prince, The Lost Sister, and The Wicked King! These reads were so dark and twisted! I loved the characters and their story, and this dark world of Faeries, and I can't wait to see how it all ends!
Next is Kanin Chronicles series by Amanda Hocking, The King's Games, Frostfire, Ice Kissed, and Crystal Kingdom! I just love reading about these characters adventures in this world! These are amazing and easy reads!
Next is A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Bridget Kemmerer! This was an amazing read, I loved the world and the characters and I just couldn't put it down! Such amazing writing!
Next is Cut Off by Adrianne Finlay! This was such a great read, I loved the world and watching these characters deal with their fears! Loved the bravery that they showed, and the smarts in dealing with their situation, and with discovering how to use this very interesting technology! Next is A Dance with Fate by Juliet Marillier! I loved spending ore time with these characters in this world, and I absolutely loved to loathe the guy's family! Such a great read with excellent writing as well! Next is Dangerous Remedy by Kat Dunn! This book was such fun to read, I really enjoyed the twists and turns, and reading these character's journeys!
Next is the Dark Shores series by Danielle L. Jensen, Dark Shores and Dark Skies! Wow, absolutely loved these books because of course I did! I love Danielle L. Jensen's writing (already said that this post!) and I loved reading about these characters and their journeys! Sometimes they made poor decisions, and I raged sometimes against the unfairness and the actions of the bad guys and they pushed some of my buttons, but they were utterly fantastic reads, and I can't wait to continue the series!
Next is Dark Song by Christine Feehan! I loved this couple and their romance, and I loved what it added to the world! Next is The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska! Wow, this book was really fantastic, I loved the characters and their interactions and their romance, and how they faced the odds against them! And I need to know how it's all going to turn out! Because there needs to be a sequel! Next is the A Darker Shade of Magic series by V.E. Schwab, A Darker Shade of Magic and A Gathering of Shadows! I had such a great time with this world, the writing was engaging, and I just wanted to know what the characters were going to do next! Fabulous reads!
Next is The Darkest King by Gena Showalter! This book was so epic, I loved getting William's story at last, I loved his romance and their story, and everything that happened to develop the plot and the world! Such an amazing read, and of course excellent writing!
Next is The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken! I just love this book, the characters are amazing, the writing is great, and I just really enjoy the story, and I had a great time reading it!
Next is the Undertaker's Daughter series by Debra Webb, The Undertaker's Daughter, The Secrets We Bury, The Lies We Tell, and The Darkness We Hide! These were excellent reads, I loved the mysteries, and they were well plotted and fast paced, and I cared about the characters and their struggles they were going through! And I was really rooting for her to win against the bad guys! Next is the Black Jewels series by Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows, Queen of the Darkness, The Invisible Ring, The Price, Dreams Made Flesh, Tangled Webs, The Shadow Queen, Shalador's Lady, Twilight's Dawn, and The Queen's Bargain! Oh, man, this series, at least the original trilogy, are top reads of the year. And I read them in the 3rd week of the year. So that had my reading off to a good start! I'm absolutely obsessed about everything in these books, from the world, the characters, the writing, and the threat they faced was just so enraging! I was so over the moon when they won, I was just is invested in this series!
Next is Dead in the Doorway by Diane Kelly! This boo was another fun mystery, I loved spending more time with these characters and watching them work their latest case!
Next is A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik! This book is just narrowly not a top read of the year. I was utterly captivating, I couldn't put it down, I loved the snark of Galadriel dealing with her dark magic, and how she was judged for it. As well as her interactions with Orion were hilarious! The writing was excellent and I couldn't out it down! It was just a riot and a half! You know what, it has to be a top read of the year, I've changed my mind!
Next is the Krewe Hunters series by Heather Graham, Seeing Darkness and Deadly Touch! I really enjoyed these latest mysteries, and these latest couples! They were both excellent additions to the series!
Next is The Jezebel Files series by Deborah Wilde, Death and Desire, Shadows and Seduction, and Revenge and Rapture! I loved seeing how this series continued and progressed, I loved what we learned and how it developed! Loved the mysteries and how they wove together because they were excellently plotted. Of course I enjoyed the characters and their relationships and the writing! I just had a wonderful time with this series!
Next is the Jane Prescott series by Mariah Fredericks, A Death of No Importance, Death of a New American, Death of an American Beauty, and Death of a Showman! These mysteries being solved by a lady's maid is just incredible, I love this setting and the practicality of Jane, and her sharp mind! And the mystery of what happened between the events in these books and what her life is like in the present, I just need to know!
Next is the Dread Nation series by Justina Ireland, Dread Nation and Deathless Divide! I absolutely loved these books! From the writing to the story of young black ladies fighting zombies in this historical age! Loved to hate on the unfairness that they faced, as well as cheered for them as they succeeded! Plus I really enjoyed their romance! Next is Defending Elysium by Brandon Sanderson! I really enjoyed this short story, I enjoyed the world and the mystery! I would love more of this time before the events of Skyward!
Next is Defy the Fates by Claudia Gray! This was an epic book, so much happened, and I loved how everything came together! It was such an amazing read! I was just so happy for the characters how everything worked out!
Next is the Geisha Trilogy series by Leigh Bardugo, The Demon in the Wood, The Witch of Duva, Shadow and Bone, The Tailor, Siege and Storm, The Too-Clever Fox, Little Knife, and Ruin and Rising! I love this series, this was a really great introduction to this world, and I really enjoyed these characters and the journeys that they go on! And some pretty great writing considering this was her debut series!
Next is the DeLaune Sisters series by Amanda Stevens, Marked by Evil and The Devil's Footprints! These books were dark and thrilling and I had such a great time with these characters! And I loved how it all turned out, they were excellent reads, and well writing, of course!
Next is Dreaming Darkly by Caitlin Kittredge! This book was dark and twisted and I loved the mystery and how Ivy dealt with everything she had to face! And the ending was really excellent! Next is A Dress of the Wicked by Autumn Krause! This book was amazing, I really enjoyed this world, and I loved the characters and raged at the unfairness that they faced, and loved how clever they were, and I really enjoyed how it all worked out! Next is the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer and Oathbringer! Yeah, this series is just so epic, and wow, are these books amazing! This series truly will be the show stopper of Brandon Sanderson's career! Such an amazing world, I loved learning about how the magic worked! And these characters, watching them struggle through what they were facing, each book focusing on a different character's backstory, it's just so incredible! I can't wait to see where this epic series goes next!
Next is the Elantris series by Brandon Sanderson, Elantris, The Hope of Elantris, and The Emperor's Soul! Yeah, another amazing Brandon Sanderson series, with amazing writing, characters that I cared for, and the Brandon Sanderson Snowball ending! I can't wait until we get more full length books in this series!
Next is the Mistborn: Era One series by Brandon Sanderson, The Final Empire, The Eleventh Metal, The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages! And wow, a 3rd Brandon Sanderson series that's just so excellent! This series and Elantris are tied for my favourite in the Cosmere right now! I love Vin and the gang, and the fight that they face! These books are just huge, but they flew by so quickly because of Brandon Sanderson's excellent writing and plotting!
Next is Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews! Yes, loved this book, more time with these two and in this world! We got some really interesting updates, and I'm so excited to see how this'll all play out in the final book (at lest for Catalina's story!)Next is The Emperor's Wolves by Michelle Sagara! Loved this book so much, I loved getting more Severn, and his history! And more of the Tha'alani, and this mystery was excellent, and I definitely need more of this series! Next is Etiquette & Espionage by by Gail Carriger! This book was hilarious, I loved the mystery and the characters and this world, and I can't wait to read more! Next is Even If We Break by Marieke Nijkamp! This mystery was really intriguing, and I loved getting to know these characters, an that ending was spectacular! Loved how it worked out! Next is Ever Cursed by Corey Ann Haydu! Wow did this book have my raging at the unfairness! I absolutely hated the king, and I wanted him to be taken down! Loved this story, and these characters, and I loved watching them triumph! It was an excellent story, and and epic read!
Next is Every Single Lie by Rachel Vincent! This mystery had me on the edge of my seat! I hated that she was judged, and for something that she didn't do! I had so many ups and downs with the characters, and the story was entirely gripping because I devoured this book and couldn't put it down! And of course I loved the writing! This is one of my top reads of 2020, I just had so many feels!
Next is Every Step She Takes by Kelley Armstrong! This was a really captivating mystery, I wanted to learn more about what happened, and these characters! And I raged at the unfairness of how she was treated! This was an excellent book! Next is Everything All at Once by Katrina Leno! This was such a great story about loss and grief and a little bit of magic! I really enjoyed the story and these characters, and it was a really sweet read and I'm glad that I read it! Next is Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy! This was such a inspiration to read, of having a plus sized super hero! I loved this origin story getting to know Faith, as well as the bits of mystery and the romance, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Next is The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth! This was a really fun queer romance, and I really enjoyed watching these two fall in love! This story was really endearing and great!
Next is Fantastic Hope Anthology! This was such a great anthology, I loved these stories, and there were some really great stories that I loved the things we learned about the world. And there were stories that I really hope are expanded into full length books sometimes in the future because I just want to know more! Next is The Fascinators by Andrew Eliopulos! This was a really fun read! I really enjoyed the characters, the magic and how it worked and the little mysteries and the relationships! I had such a great time reading this book! Next is The Fiery Crown by Jeffe Kennedy! Loved seeing more of this world and I loved all the plot developments as well as the developments in the relationship and the characters! And that ending was just amazing, and I need to know how the series going to end! Next is The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin! This book was tricky and weird and confusing and just epic! I loved discovering about the world and these characters and how it all connected, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Next is The Final Deception by Heather Graham! This as another wonderful and engaging mystery, and I loved how things ended up with the characters, and it was a really fitting end to the series! Next is the Final Six series by Alexandra Monir, The Final Six and The Life Below! I utterly loved these books, the writing was great, and I enjoyed the character's stories, and I just wanted to know how everything as going to go down, and it was just amazing to read!
Next is Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano! This was an engaging mystery, and I wanted to know what was going on, and I loved getting to know these characters! Plus I really enjoyed the writing because of course I did because I love Elle Cosimano's writing, and I really enjoyed her first published adult book!
Next is the Spellcaster series by Claudia Gray, The First Midnight Spell, and Spellcaster, Steadfast, and Sorceress! I loved this series, this world was so interesting, and I rooted for these characters and after all that they faced! I really enjoyed how it all ended, and it was just an excellent series!
Next is the Tomes of Kaleria series by Honor Raconteur, Tomes Apprentice, Tomes Apprentice, and First of Tomes! Yeah, loved these books! Definitely top reads of 2020! I loved this world so much, and these characters so much, and the stories so much, and the writing so much! Everything, just everything about these book were so great, and I can't wait for the 3rd book! Though I'm going to be devastated, because I think the 3rd is the final in the series, and I Just want many, many more books in this series with these characters and this world!
Next is the Three Dark Crowns series by Kendare Blake, The Oracle Queen, The Young Queens, Three Dark Crowns, One Dark Throne, Two Dark Reigns, and Five Dark Fates! I loved this twisted little series! The relationships that these sisters and other characters had, how it all was joined together! This world where sisters have to kill each other to win the thrown! It's dark and it's amazing and just an epic series and I loved it!
Next is the InCryptid series by Seanan McGuire, Imaginary Numbers and Follow the Lady! Loved having these books, to follow Sarah and Artie and their story! I loved what it added to this world, and the ending was killer and I need the next book now!
Next is For Whom the Book Tolls by Laura Gail Black! This was a great cozy mystery, I enjoyed these characters watching them investigate, and I really enjoyed how it turned out! I'd love to continue this series!
Next is the Gaming the System series by Brenna Aubrey, It Was Always You and For the Taking! I loved these books, the writing was so great, and I enjoyed these couples and their romances and watching them overcome the obstacles that are in their path! Such great reads!
Next is Fortuna by Kristyn Merbeth! I loved this book, I loved this world and the mysteries it contained, and I loved the characters even though they sometimes made rash decisions! And of course the cover is stunning! The writing was excellent and this story was a really great read!
Next is the Midgard series by Susan Krinard, Freeze Warning and Mist! These were two really great Norse mythology set in the modern day! Loved reading about these characters and their struggles, and I need to continue this series!
Next is the Blood and Ash series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash, The Red Pearl Scene, and A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire! Wow, these were all so freaking great! I loved the slow burn romance, and the slow reveal of the world, and how things picked up in the 2nd. I loved Poppy and Hawke and their relationship, and all the conflicts that they had with each other and I'm so excited to see where it goes next!
Next is Furbidden Fatality by Deborah Blake! This was such a fun and cute cozy mystery, I loved the setting at the shelter! I had such a great time reading this book, the characters drew me in, and I had to know who the bad guy was!
Next is the A Thousand Nights series by E.K. Johnston, The Garden of Three Hundred Flowers and Spindle! I loved these books, I loved being in this world again, and meeting these new characters! It was so ethereal and beautiful and I really enjoyed how the story wrapped up!
Next is the Illuminae Files series by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Memento, Illuminae, Gemina, and Obsidio! Yes, yes, yes, I love this series and this world! Memento was the first time reading that, but I loved rereading the rest of this series, I just love this world and the multimedia format in which its told! These characters and their story is so engaging, and it's so well written! This series holds a special place in my heart, I really enjoy reading it!
Next is the Montague Siblings Siblings by Mackenzi Lee, The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky and The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy! These books were so much fun to read, I love these characters and their romances!
Next is Ghost Money by Stephen Blackmoore! This was another mazing mystery, I loved seeing more of Eric and watch him deal with problems! And that ending was just evil, I need to have more! Next is Ghost Wood Song by Erica Waters! This was an amazing and creepy book! I loved the magic and I wanted to know more about the characters and the secrets that they were hiding! Next is the Robin Hood Stories series by Carrie Vaughn, The Ghosts of Sherwood and The Heirs of Locksley! I loved reading these novellas, I loved getting to know these characters and watch their adventures! They were a lot of fun to read, and I really enjoyed how they worked out!
Next is Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Kelly Link and Robin Wasserman! I loved this collection of short stories about Brother Zachariah throughout his long life, vesting the shadow Market, and how much has happened there or intersected there, with the main stories of this world! Such a great read! Next is the Gilded Wolves series by Roshani Chokshi, The Gilded Wolves and The Silvered Serpents! Man, I loved reading these two books! I loved the writing, and the characters and their struggles in this world! It was so interesting, and I need to know how it's all going to end!
Next is The Girl from the Well series by Rin Chupeco, The Girl from the Well and The Suffering! These books were so fantastic! I loved this world of ghosts and magic, and the various threats that they're all facing! These characters were amazing and the writing was engaging, and I just devoured their stories!
Next is The Glass Queen by Gena Showalter! I loved reading this retelling, I wanted to see where the story would go! I loved these characters and the adventures that they went on! And it was all underpinned by Gena Showalter's excellent writing!
Next is Goddess in the Machine by Lora Beth Johnson! This was an amazing read, I loved the mysteries, and the secrets of this world, and the characters and their stories and their plots and schemes and how it all came together! Such a great book, and I need to know where the sequel will go! Next is the In Death series by J.D. Robb, Golden in Death and Shadows in Death! I loved spending more time with Eve and the crew, seeing more of their lives, and watching them investigative these interesting mysteries!
Next is Goldilocks by Laura Lam! This was an amazing mystery, I loved the twists and turns! The characters were engaging and I wanted to know all their secrets! And the sciences and technology of the world was really interesting!
Next is the A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series by Holly Jackson, A Good Girls Guide to Murder and Good Girl, Bad Blood! I loved watching Poppy investigate these cases! They were so intriguing, and I enjoyed watching her legally dubious methods of investigation! Loved how both turned out, and I'm really excited for book 3! Next is Good Girls Lie by J.T. Ellison! Loved this book, it was excellently plotted and I loved this story! It was so dark and twisted and full of secrets, and I loved watching most of it come to light! I just really enjoy J.T. Ellison's writing and stories! Next is The Grace Year by Kim Liggett! This was an amazing story, I loved to hate on the unfairness of the world that brought her there! There was just so many great things about this book, the characters were really great, and I loved their relationships, and the hope for the future! This was a really fantastic read! Next is The Graveyard Shift by Darynda Jones! I loved reading this book, loved seeing more of these characters, and I'm glad that these two got a happy ending! And I loved learning more of this world and these characters!
Next is Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson! Loved this book, I raged at the injustice that she faces, of what she went through, that she wasn't beloved! Loved Enchanted and her story, and this was another amazing and tricky book from Tiffany D. Jackson!
Next is The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White! I loved this retelling and what things were changed, and what made this one unique, I loved these characters and their story! Loved the writing and I can't wait to read the sequel!
Next is The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson! I loved this final mystery to solve, at least at the school, because we're getting a forth book! But I loved how everything came together and wrapped up! Stevie was her excellent investigative self, and it was a satisfying and great read! Next is The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir, The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex and Harrow the Ninth! These books were so fantastic! The world is just incredible, and I loved learned more about it! And yeah, the genius insanity of Harrow the Ninth and the way it was told! Just loved it, and I'm so excited for book 3!
Next is The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert! This book was so incredible, I loved the great twist there was, and the world was so interesting and grim dark! I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
Next is Heart of Flames by Nicki Pau Preto! I loved this book! So many reveals, so many important moments! It was even better than the first one, and I'm so excited for the 3rd and final book! Next is Heartless by Marissa Meyer! Wow, this was such a great story! I loved the concept of the Red Queen, before she went mad and bad! Fantastic read, and that ending, oh!
Next is Here, There, Everywhere by Julia Durango and Tyler Terrones! This was a really sweet romance, and I really enjoyed these characters and their stories, and the journeys that they went on!
Next is Heroine by Mindy McGinnis! This book was hard hitting, and it was hard to see her make worse and worse choices under her addiction, but it was a fantastic read, and I'm so glad that it exists! Next is His Hideous Heart Anthology! This anthology was so great, I loved these various retold versions of Edgar Allan Poe's stories! Such fun read, and so creative! Next is The Honors series by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre, Honor Among Thieves, Honor Bound and Honor Lost! This series is near and dear to my heart, and I absolutely love it! Loved reading it all the way though again, experiencing this world and these characters for the first time, was so excellent! And seeing how things end was amazing, as well! Such a great series! I love everything about it!
Next is the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire, Strangers in Court, The Unkindest Tide, Hope is Swift, A Killing Frost, and Shine in Pearl! I loved reading these books, seeing more of this world, amore time with these characters! And oh, man did the ending of A Killing Frost, well, kill! It was so fantastic, and I'm so excited to see where this series goes from here (because there's like, at least 3 more books after this.) And I thought that that was part of the endgame! Nope, so I'm so excited for more!
Next is Horrid by Katrina Leno! This book was dark and confusing and wonderful! Loved the plot and these characters so much, and that ending was epic!Next is House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas! Everything about this book was great, from the cover, the story, the writing, the characters, and I loved how all these little things came together for the ending! It was a fantastic read, and I'm so excited to see where the series goes from here! Next is the Embraced by Magic series by Kerrelyn Sparks, How to Love Your Elf and The Siren and the Deep Blue Sea! I loved these books, I loved more time with thin this world, and to have these two couples find their happiness! Such great stories, and I really enjoyed how everything worked out!
Next is the I See London, I See France series by Sarah Mlynowski, I See London, I See France and Just a Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe! These stories were a lot of fun to read, and I really enjoyed the romances and the fun (and not so fun) experiences everybody had!
Next is In the Hall With the Knife by Diana Peterfreund! This was an amazing mystery, I loved getting to know these characters, and watch them investigate, and I can't wait to continue this series!
Next is series by Colleen Gleason, The Rest Falls Away, In Which a Masquerade Ball Unmasks an Undead, and Rises the Night! These were such great reads, I loved this world of vampire's and vampire hunters and how it all works! And watching Victoria navigate the world that she was born to of hunting vampires-and the world of high society, was so fascinating!
Next is Infinity Son by Adam Silvera! Loved this story, with this world and these brothers and their relationship and how everything intertwined! Such a great read, and I'm so excited so see where things go from here! Next is The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes! Oh, this book is another top read of the year! I love Jennifer Lynn Barnes, and it was a fantastic mystery, I loved watching her and the brothers deal with the puzzle the grandfather left behind! Such an amazing read, and I loved everything about it, and how well it came together! Absolutely a top read of 2020!Next is Ink by Jonathan Maberry! This was such an interesting book, I really enjoyed this world, with the tattoos that hold memories, and the mystery of what's going on! Such a fascinating read!
Next is Ink in the Blood by Kim Smejkal! Yeah, another great book dealt with tattoos and magic! This world and this religion were so interesting, and combined with how the characters interreacted with it and each other, was so entertaining and I'm so excited for the sequel! Next is series by Maria V. Sndyer, Inside Out and Outside In! I love this world and these characters and their humor, and the writing and the story is just so great! I had a great time reading this series!
Next is Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron! I loved this read, it was filled with amazing magic, and I really enjoyed the magic and the religion and these characters dealing with what was going on! Such a fantastic read, and I'm so excited for the sequel!Next is the Empirium series by Claire Legrand, Kingsbane and Lightbringer! These were such epic reads, I loved how events developed, and seeing these characters deal with everything! The writing was so entertaining and worked so well with the story! Such an amazing series!
Next is Kiss Collector by Wendy Higgins! This story was such a fun read, loved this girl dealing with her parent's dissolving marriage, and her own romantic relationships!
Next is The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett! I loved so much about this book, from these characters and their relationships! The historical setting and the quest to find her dad and everything was thoroughly entertaining!
Next is The Lasaran by Dianne Duvall! I loved having this spin off series, to bring things in space! Loved how it expanded this world! And I loved the couple and the romance, and the plot was so fast paced, and it was just so easy to devour this book! It was a fantastic read! Next is The Last Hope by Krista Ritchie and Becca Ritchie! I loved this sequel, I loved the developments to the world, I loved this story and watching these characters go on this adventure! Loved how it all works out!
Next is The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli! Loved this world, loved the writing, and the stories and the characters! Really enjoyed watching Asha learn and grow from her bad ideas learned from society! Next is Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo! This book was so fantastic! Loved the historical POC LGBTQIA+ read, I loved watching this young girl deal with being Asian and lesbian around the time where Chinese Americans were facing stigma from what was going on in China at the time. Loved everything about it (and the cover is so pretty!) and it's another book where I'm so glad it exists, especially right now with the escalated racism (I wish racism didn't exist, but unfortunately it does, and that it got worse because of COVID, I would hope that it wasn't as bad previously.) This is a great book to be published at the start of a year after the year 2020 was!
Next is The Last Witness by Claire McFall! Loved reading this book, it was such a great mystery, and I just wanted to know what the heck happened! And that reveal, man was it shocking, and it was a fantastic read! Next is series by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Road With No Return, The Last Wish, and Sword of Destiny! Loved diving into the book world! Loved seeing Geralt deal with these various monsters, and finding some pretty unique and not as violent solutions as his reputation would suggest! Loved this world and these characters, and I'm excited to see where this series goes from here!
Next is the Wayward Mages series by Sarah Hanover, The Late Great Wizard and The New Improved Sorceress! I really enjoyed these books, I was so interested by these characters and this world, and I had a great time reading them!
Next is The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix! This book was so much fun to read! This was a really interesting concept, and I loved learning about this world (and I've love to spend more time here!) Watching these characters face from place to place, to discover information and complete tasks, was fantastic, I loved them and their stories, and it was really w fast paced and excellent to read! Next is Legendborn by Tracy Deonn! Another top read of 2020! This book I was utterly consumed by, I was obsessed and I couldn't out it down! Everything about it, I loved, the world, the characters, the magic, the writing, and the plot! It all worked so well, and I cared to rage for the injustice that she faced, and I'm so excited for the sequel! Next is Leopard People series by Christine Feehan, Leopard's Wrath and Leopard's Rage! I enjoyed these books, loved seeing more of this world and meeting some new characters find romance with some existing characters! Really enjoyed their stories!
Next is Lie to Me by J.T. Ellison! This was a fantastic mystery, I just wanted to know what was going on! Really enjoyed watching these characters go on this journey, it was fast paced and wonderful, and I really loved it! That ending was amazing!
Next is The Lies They Tell by Gillian French! This was such a great read! It was dark and diabolic, and I loved watching this girl fall into this group while investigating the case connected to the leader and her dad! Loved these characters and the secrets that they hid, and that ending was so excellent! Next is The Light Between Worlds by by Laura E. Weymouth! This was a fantastic story, I loved the idea of an after the portal adventure story, and you one sister wants to go back, but the other wants to stay in our world. Loved the way it was told, one sister in the present in our world, and then in the past in the other world, and then seeing the other sister's perspective! Such a great read!
Next is Lightning Game by Christine Feehan! Yeah, this was an excellent read, I loved this couple and their story, their romance and the developments in this world! I had a great time reading this book!
Next is Looking for Alaska by John Green! This book was such a fantastic read, if a little heart wrenching. Loved these characters, before and after, and it was a really great journey to watch him move on from what happened. It was a really great story!
Next is the Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare, Lord of Shadows and Queen of Air and Darkness! These both were such fantastic and epic reads! I absolutely loved the plot even when it hurt! Of course each book changed the world, in different ways, from small and personal, to big changes, like the whole thing with Idris! Loved these characters and their stories, they were so epic, and I'm so excited for the 5th series! Next is The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre by Robin Talley! This was such a fun read, about the curses and superstitions of plays, and the romance between these characters! It was such a fun read! Next is Love on the Lifts by Rachel Hawthorne! Another fun read, I loved this group of friends and their vacation adventure, and the new people and relationships that they form! Next is Loveboat, Taipei by Abigail Hing Wen! Loved this book, loved seeing these teens going on this wild adventure of excitement and breaking e rules sand romance! Really enjoyed these two characters and the (minor) enemies to lovers romance!
Next is The Mall by Megan McCafferty! Oh, I had a fun time watching these two solve clues to find a hidden treasure, dealing with various relationships and history along the way! Loved how it ended, this was a really entertaining read!
Next is Master of One by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett! This book was so fantastic! I loved this world, and the characters, and the adventures that they went on! It was a really fantastic debut novel! Next is Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia! This book was so atmospheric and I loved the mystery and I just wanted to know what was going on! Loved watching Noemí deal with with dark, mysterious and depressing house and family! Next is series by Forthright, Tamiko and the Two Janitors and Mikoto and the Reaver Village! Absolutely loved reading these books! I love this world so much, and these characters are an absolutely delight! Loved how much we learned about the world in these books, and watching various romances and relationships unfold! These are so dense and much better on the second read, once you have a hang of the story. Loved everything about these books!
Next is The Missing Season by Gillian French! This was such a fantastic mystery, I loved this friend group and their relationships, and all the troubles that the faced in their personal lives! Next is Monday's Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson! This was an absolute gem of a book! The story was heart wrenching, I loved these characters and their story, and the way it was told! Loved the mystery, and that ending was absolutely amazing! Tiffany D. Jackson's signature in her books seems to be twists that you really can't see coming, reveals that are dark, and such wonderful characters to care for! Next is the Veronica Speedwell series by Deanna Raybourn, A Murderous Relation and An Unexpected Peril! Loved these two reads, I love her writing, and loved more time with theses characters! And these mysteries were so intriguing, and there were some really great personal developments as well, and I had such a great time reading these books!
Next is the Molly Southbourne series by Tade Thompson, The Murders of Molly Southbourne and The Survival of Molly Southbourne! I really enjoyed these stories, they were dark and they were wonderful, and I really enjoyed this world and these characters!
Next is My Calamity Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows! This book was a laugh a minute! I really enjoyed this take on these historical figures and their stories, and the world, and the signature style of this series! This was a really fun and fantastic read!
Next is Network Effect by Martha Wells! This was such a fantastic read, I loved having a full length novel in this book! There was such a fantastic plot, I loved more time with the characters, and the world was built out! Such a fantastic read! Next is the Shadow of the Fox series by Julie Kagawa, Shadow of the Fox, Soul of the Sword, and Night of the Dragon! This was a fantastic series, I loved the world, the writing was so great, and I really enjoyed the characters and their relationships! But that ending, oh!
Next is Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo! Loved this book, loved the world, it was dark and I loved the story and Alex, and I enjoyed learning the mysteries of her past, and I'm so excited for for the sequel! Next is No Good Deed by Kara Connolly! This was fantastic, I loved this retelling of Robin Hood! Loved these characters and the story, and I really enjoyed reading this book!
Next is No Offense by Meg Cabot! This was such a fun read, I loved the writing, and the characters interactions, and the mystery! Next is Nobody Knows But You by Anica Mrose Rissi! This was a fantastic mystery, I loved the the characters, and the back and forth between times this story was told! Such a great read, and that ending was amazing! Next is Nocturna by Maya Motayne! I loved this book, the world and the magic was so interesting, and I enjoyed these characters and their stories, ad I'm so excited for the sequel!
Next is Nyxia by Scott Reintgen! Oh, man, I loved these characters dealing with this world and this science/magic, and the competition that they were participating in! And that ending has me so excited to see where the series go from here!
Next is The Obsidian Tower by Melissa Caruso! I was utterly obsessed with this book! The characters and this world and the situation that they were in, I wanted more! I loved learning more and getting more, and I can't wait for more!
Next is the Aunare Chronicles series by Aileen Erin, Off Planet and Off Balance! This series is so great, the world is so interesting and at times infuriating as to who these characters were treated! I was on the edge of my seat, I had to know what was going to happen next to Amihanna!
Next is On the Come Up by Angie Thomas! Loved this book about a girl and her music, and I loved her story and the writing! Next is the Once & Future series by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy Once & Future and Sword in the Stars! I loved this retelling and the the world and the characters and their stories! I loved how it came together and their relationships! So many feels!
Next is The One Memory of Flora Banks by Emily Barr! I loved this book, with Flora who doesn't have a short term memory, and her adventures she went on, with romance and mysteries! Loved her and her story! Next is One of Us is Next by Karen M. McManus! This was a fantastic mystery, loved following these characters, and continuing some stories of previous characters, and getting to know new ones and watching them deal with this situation! Next is Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds! I really enjoyed this time wonky romance! I loved these characters and their stories, and I had a great time reading this book! Next is the Corpus series by Jessica Khoury, Origin and The Sign of the Jaguar! I really enjoy this series, I love this world with the company that I know is an overarching threat in the series, and the characters and their romance, and this world, and I'm so excited to continue the series!
Next is The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner! This was such a fantastic read, I loved the writing of course, and the cover is really pretty! And this world, the characters and the plot are excellent! And that ending has me dying for the sequel! Next is Our Year in Love and Parties by Karen Hattrup! This was such a fun read, I loved watching these characters intersections at different parties throughout the year, and how their relationship develops!
Next is The Princess Knight by G.A. Aiken! This was a fantastic read, I loved the writing and these characters because they're just so hilarious, and the stories was a lot of fun!
Next is The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner! This was such a fantastic read, I loved the writing of course, and the cover is really pretty! And this world, the characters and the plot are excellent! And that ending has me dying for the sequel! Next is Our Year in Love and Parties by Karen Hattrup! This was such a fun read, I loved watching these characters intersections at different parties throughout the year, and how their relationship develops!
Next is The Persuasion by Iris Johansen! This was another great mystery from Iris Johansen, I loved more time with these characters, and watching them face off against this villain was excellent! And I loved their romance (Though I though that they'd worked everything out their last book!)
Next is Pieces of Her by Karin Slaughter! I loved this book, the mystery and the writing and the plotting was on point, and I enjoyed watching Andrea learn more about her mom and her secrets! Next is Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz! I really enjoyed this gender swapped retelling of Pride and Prejudice, seeing these familiar story beats in the modern dat with things slightly changed! Really great read!
Next is Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price! Another retelling, but this time, YA historical mystery! Loved this story, and these characters and this plot, and I can't wait to see where the series goes from here!
Next is the Imperia series by Gena Showalter, Prince of Stone and Prince of Forever! I really enjoyed this series but updated! Really enjoyed these characters and their revamped stories and revamped writing!
Next is The Promise series by Michael Dante DiMartino, Gene Luen Yang, Bryan Konietzko, and Gurihiru, The Promise, Part 1, The Promise, Part 2, and The Promise, Part 3! I really enjoyed this series of Team Avatar dealing with the consequences of Fire Nation having taken over parts of Earth Kingdom, and the mingled families! Loved the dilemmas that they faced and the decisions that they made! And of course this world and the characters are so very dear!
Next is The Queen by Jennifer L. Armentrout! This was an amazing read, I loved the end to Brighton and Caden's story, they're such great characters, and I 'm so glad that they had their story told, and of course I really enjoyed the writing and the world! Next is Quiet in Her Bones by Nalini Singh! This was an utterly fantastic mystery, and I loved watching this son investigate his mom's murder! It was so entertaining, and I loved getting to know these characters, to find out why they were suspicious, and I loved reading it! Loved that ending, and who the bad guy was! And I always enjoy Nalini Singh's writing!
Next is The Queen by Jennifer L. Armentrout! This was an amazing read, I loved the end to Brighton and Caden's story, they're such great characters, and I 'm so glad that they had their story told, and of course I really enjoyed the writing and the world! Next is Quiet in Her Bones by Nalini Singh! This was an utterly fantastic mystery, and I loved watching this son investigate his mom's murder! It was so entertaining, and I loved getting to know these characters, to find out why they were suspicious, and I loved reading it! Loved that ending, and who the bad guy was! And I always enjoy Nalini Singh's writing!
Next is Race the Sands by Sarah Beth Durst! I utterly loved everything about this book, the writing, the characters, the plot, and the stakes against them! I wanted them to succeed, and I loved how everything came together! Next is the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton, Sucker Punch and Rafael! I really enjoyed these books, I love this world and the characters, and I enjoyed what we learned in these books, and I can't wait to see where the series goes from here!
Next is Rage and Ruin by Jennifer L. Armentrout! This was such a fantastic read, I loved this series, loved more time with these characters and this world, loved the developments, and that ending was just, wow! So excited for the final book!
Next is Red Sister by Mark Lawrence! This book was so epic! I loved this story of assassin nuns, and watching Nona grow up learning to be an assassin was so fantastic! Wonderful characters, world, and plot, and I need to read more!
Next is The Return by Rachel Harrison! Oh, this book was dark and twisted and I really enjoyed it! Loved this friend group and the relationships that they had, and the secrets that they were keeping, and I thoroughly enjoyed this read! Next is Roomies by Sara Zarr by Tara Altebrando! This was such a fun read, I loved watching these two characters communicate with each other in the summer before they become roommates at college! Loved the ups and downs, the developments in their lives! Such a fun read!
Next is the Rosemarked series by Livia Blackburne, Rosemarked and Umbertouched! This was a fantastic series, I loved this world with the conquering empire, and the disease that spares no one. Loved these characters and the dilemmas that they faced, and it was just a really fantastic read!
Next is Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan! Oh, another dark and twisted book! Loved having more tie with these characters in this world, and there were some really amazing developments! So excited to see where the series goes from here and ends! Next is The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner! This book was just amazing! I loved spending more time with these worlds, meeting these new characters and going on this adventure! And the writing and these characters and the situations that they got their selves into was just hilarious!
Next is the Spectral City series by Leanne Renee Hieber, The Spectral City and A Sanctuary of Spirits! I had a really great time reading these books! I loved reading about their daughter, and spending more time in this world, and watching her and her friends investigate these various mysteries! I'm so excited to see where it all comes together with!
Next is The Sandcastle Empire by Kayla Olson! This book game me all the feels, from the world with the wolves who took over, and how they treat everybody else. The characters and the mysteries tat they encounter on the island. And how everything came together, it was so fantastic to read!
Next is Saving Red by Sona Sones! Loved this novel in verse, of a time spent with a homeless and maybe mentally ill girl, and her relationship with a boy she just met, but could very well fall in love with! It was at times moving and at other times fun!
Next is Scared Little Rabbits by A.V. Geiger! This was a fantastic mystery, I enjoyed the various layers of the mystery, and getting to know these characters! There were so many secrets, and it was a shocking book!
Next is the Sea Witch series by Sarah Henning, Sea Witch and Sea Witch Rising! Loved this retelling series of The Little Mermaid, and I enjoyed what was changed, and who became the bad guy! I really enjoyed the magic and the rules to it all!
Next is Season of the Wolf by Maria Vale! Loved having more time with this world, and some new characters and some existing ones, and seeing the wolves and the shifters interact! Loved Evie and Constantine's romance!
Next is Seasons of the Storm by Elle Cosimano! This was such a fantastic book, I loved the world and the rules that the characters pressed up against and broke! Loved the romance, and I enjoyed the sacrifices that they had to make, and I'm excited to see where the sequel will go!
Next is Set Fire to the Gods by Sara Raasch and Kristen Simmons! This world was amazing, and I loved to hate the gods for who they treated people! I cared for these characters and what they were facing, and I cheered them on as they went on this journey! Next is Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda and Valynne Maetani! I really enjoyed this world, and it was fast paced and well plotted. I cared about Kira, and it was fantastic to watch her gather this group around her to beat the bad guys!
Next is Seven Devils by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May! This was an epic sci fi novel. Loved these characters and the girl group that they formed. Loved this world and the empire that they're rebelling against! And that ending, oh man, is so infuriating! Next is Shadow Flight by Christine Feehan! I loved having more of this world and the updates that we got, loved having Taviano and Nicoletta's romance, and of course I enjoyed the writing!
Next is The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller! This book just barely isn't a top book of 2020, by just a hair. I loved this world and these characters, they were dark, and I loved how she grew to care for the king, and how she changed throughout the book lead to her taking actions that utterly changed how the book ended!
Next is Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell by Brandon Sanderson! This was such a great start to another series in the worlds of the Cosmere, I loved exploring this unique planet, it was grim and dark, and I loved seeing how she navigated the rules-and sometimes broke them! And it was a really clever ending, as well! Next is Shadowsong by S. Jae-Jones! This was such a great sequel, I loved exploring the consequences of the previous book, and how it affected their mental health! I really enjoyed the choices the author made that made this world unique!
Next is Shatter the Earth by Karen Chance! This was action packed and so much was revealed and learned, and I loved the developments in this world and the characters. As well as where it ends, and the possibilities for the future! Next is Sherwood by Meagan Spooner! This was a fantastic retelling, I loved having Marian be Robin Hood, and all the adventures and problems that she ran into! It was such a clever book, loved the plotting and the writing, and the romance was wonderful, as well!
Next is The Silent Wife by Karin Slaughter! This was another amazing mystery from Karin Slaughter! Loved watching them investigate, loved the character updates and all that we got to see from them. And it hurt my heart, but I loved that we got a little more of Jeffery, and how his case intersects with theirs now! Next is Sister of the Chosen One by Colleen Oakes and Erin Armknecht! This as such a fun chosen one book, I loved the world, I loved the relationship the sisters had, and I really enjoyed how the prophecy turned out to be fulfilled!
Next is Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross! Loved this book, I hated how unfair it was that Halcyon had to be punished like that, even when Evadne takes part of it! Loved this world and the characters and the writing and the plot and all the reveals, and I loved to hate the bad guys! It was such a wonderful read!
Next is Sixth of the Dusk by Brandon Sanderson! This was another interesting world in the Cosmere universe, and I really enjoyed exploring it, and the skills and smarts needed to navigate the island! Loved that ending and I'm excited to explore more! And again, loved Brandon Sanderson's writing!
Next is the System Divine series by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell, The Thief and Sky Without Stars! This was such a great retelling of Les Misérables, but in space! I loved these characters, and the downtrodden world, and I loved watching how it came together! I hated the way these characters were treated, and I loved that at least some of them fought back against it!
Next is Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs, Storm Cursed and Smoke Bitten! Loved these books, they both add so much to the world, and to bring the overarching plot of the series together! Such great developments, and of course great everything about them. I need to read more!
Next is Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner! This was such a fun read, I really enjoyed these characters and the romance that bloomed between the was so sweet to read!
Next is A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown! This is a top read of 2020, I couldn't put it down, I was utterly captivated by it! Everything about it, the cover, the story, the plot, the writing, the characters, it all came together in a amazing, epic read!! And it has me hooked to read the sequel!
Next is The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow! This book had such an interesting world with aliens and banned human culture of books and music! Loved the characters and their romance, and the writing was really great, and the cover is gorgeous! Next is The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix! This book was exciting and gross and so entertaining to read! I loved the whole premise of the book, and I hated to see their group brought down like that, and Patricia in particular, but loved how they took back their power in the end!
Next is The Speed of Falling Objects by Nancy Richardson Fischer! This was such a great survival book! I loved watching these characters be taken down to just the basics for survival, and the secrets that they'd kept from each other! Such a wonderful and heartwarming book! Next is Spells for the Dead by Faith Hunter! This had such an interesting mystery, and I loved learning more about this world! Loved having time with these characters and the developments in their lives!
Next is Starbreaker by Amanda Bouchet! This was such an epic sequel, so much happened, and there were a number of really great reveals, and I just need to know how it's all going to end! Of course the writing, the story and the plot were excellent!
Next is The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne! I really enjoyed this retelling set in space, I enjoyed the hidden mystery, and I enjoyed these characters and their romance! And I really liked how things ended! Next is The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson! This was such a wonderful YA political contemporary romance! I enjoyed these two guys from apposing parties, and falling in love, and the obstacles in their way! Such a great read! Next is A Stitch in Time by Kelley Armstrong! This was a wonderful read, I loved the time travel, I loved the mystery, and I really enjoyed these characters and their romance! Really enjoyed how it ended!
Next is Stolen Time by Danielle Rollins! This was such a fascinating read, I loved all the time mischief and how the story came together, and I'm excited to continue the series! Next is Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder! I just love her writing, this world, these characters and the story! It's a comfort read, and I'll always book a Maria V. Snyder book on this list! Next is Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton! This was an utterly fantastic read, I loved the world with this sacrifice, and the relationships these three characters have The mystery of what happened, and how they're going to solve it was so fantastic, and I really enjoyed how it all came together! I have to make it a top read of 2020!
Next is A Stranger in Town by Kelley Armstrong! Loved this next book in the series! I loved the mystery and all that was discovered in this book, and all the other updates! This series is gearing up for Casey and Eric's plan for a new town to come to fruition, and I can't wait!
Next is A Stroke of Malice by Anna Lee Huber! I loved this mystery, it was really fascinating and that ending was terrific! I loved the developments in these characters relationships and in the secrets that were uncovered! Next is The Summer Set by Aimee Agresti! This was a fun read of actors and relationships and the history and the present, and I loved how the story wove all these elements together! Next is The Survivor by Bridget Tyler! I really enjoyed watching Jo and the gang deal with the fact that Earth is no more, and that they've vowed to leave this planet! Loved watching them struggle with this, and the actions others take to take over the planet, and the conflicts that causes! Loved how it ended!
Next is Sweet With Me by Ilona Andrews! I had such fun with this holiday novella, I enjoyed this story with these characters and it was a really fun read! Next is Take Me With You by Tara Altebrando! I loved this story, I loved these characters dealing with this device that's threatening them! I loved watching pieces of their lives come together, and deal with various problems, and I loved watching them investigate why they're dealing with this at all!
Next is Teen Killers Club by Lily Sparks! This was an amazing read, I loved the idea of a group of killer teens being brought together to be trained to kill on command! Loved the mystery of what happened and why she was there, and I enjoyed her various relationships with the group, and I need a sequel for this, stat, given the way things ended! It can't stay there!
Next is Tempting the Best Man by Jennifer L. Armentrout! This was such a fun read, I loved these characters and watching them fall in love, with their heated relationship was so hilarious! Next is Terraformer by Colleen Houck! This book got me in the feels, I cared about these characters, and I really hated the bad guys, because they were just awful! Loved this world and learning more about it, and how everything was connected!
Next is There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool! I loved this world with the prophecy and this cast of characters, and the mystery of who could be what from the prophecy! Loved seeing these wildly different characters and their struggles that they were dealing with!
Next is the Steam Raiders series by Sara Raasch, These Rebel Waves and These Divided Shores! These were such great reads! I loved this world with magic plants on one island, and the country that they rebelled and won against-but are trying to take them back! I utterly hatted that country, because they were religious zealots, and they made me so infuriated! I was rooting for these characters, and I really enjoyed their stories! This series was well written, and it had me intrigued and invested!
Next is These Vengeful Hearts by Katherine Laurin! This was a dark and thrilling story, of a girl infiltrating a power group in school! Loved her fears and doubts and her plan, and how she found out that things weren't always what they seemed! Next is They Both Die in the End by Adam Silvera! This was such a great and bittersweet story! I loved all these characters and their journey across the day, and all that happens throughout! And of course that ending was just so sad! Loved how everything either came together, or just was the randomness of connections throughout this day! Next is This Darkness Mine by Mindy McGinnis! Oh, this book was so dark and thrilling, and I wanted to know what was happening, and man, was this character hiding some hidden depths of darkness! That ending was diabolical! Next is This Is Not a Ghost Story by Andrea Portes! This was dark and twisty, and I really enjoyed how it says it's not a ghost story, but then there's this huge twist! Loved that twist and what it meant for the story, it was excellently plotted and written!
Next is This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada! This was a fantastic end to the series, I loved all the developments, and how the characters dealt with things, and how things all worked out! There were some really fantastic reads, and I really enjoyed where it ended!
Next is Through the White Wood by Jessica Leake! Another amazing book by this author, I loved this world and the magic (and that it's connected to her first book) and watching these characters deal with the troubles in front of them! Really enjoyed how it all came together! Next is Titan's Day by Dan Stout! This was a fantastic mystery, I loved watching them investigate, s well as deal with the effects from the ending of he first book! Loved seeing more of this world and these characters, and I can't wait for the series to continue!
Next is To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Cristo! Oh, this book was dark and fantastic, and I enjoyed this world, with the mermaids and the magic! I enjoyed the stories of two people from opposing sides and bot future leaders, and the plans and bargains and scheming that went on! Loved that ending and how it all came together!
Next is Truel1f3 by Jay Kristoff! This was a fantastic end to this series! So many developments, so many choices, and I loved how the world was when it ended! I was just so captivated by the story and the writing!
Next is the Wait for You series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Wait for Me and Trust in Me! Love these characters and their relationships and their journey to deal with their past, and their present! And fun at times, and moving at others! Such great reads!
Next is the Turf Wars series by Michael Dante DiMartino and Irene Koh, Turf Wars, Part 1, Turf Wars, Part 2, and Turf Wars, Part 3! I love this series with Korra and the gang after the events of the final season of the show! Loved seeing more of them and this world, and I really enjoyed the struggles with the new spirit portal!
Next is Twin Daggers by MarcyKate Connolly! This book was so wonderful, I loved this story of a underground group fighting to be free of their oppressors! Loved this world, and these twins whose relationship falls apart and discover truths about themselves and the world that could change everything! That ending was so epic and I need the sequel now! Next is Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson! This book was really fantastic, I loved the questioning of what happened, and it infuriated me that she'd been treated that way because they didn't understand her. Loved the world, and I can't wait to read the sequel! Next is Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol! I really enjoyed this world and the aliens and the history and the characters and their stories! I had a great time reading this book!
Next is Unnatural Magic by C.M. Waggoner! I utterly adored this book! I loved these characters who seemed to be on separate paths, until the story comes together. I loved this world, though it was pretty confusing and I would love to have more details. Loved the mystery and and how the story progressed and how it ended!
Next is Unrestricted Access by James Rollins! Loved this collection of stories all together, some that I've read before, and some that I hadn't plus a new Tucker and Kane story! I just love these worlds and these characters and their stories!
Next is The Unseen by Thea Harrison! This story had me hooked, I loved seeing Pia and Dragos setting into their new land and lives! Loved the mystery and the goings on, and I utterly loved that evil cliffhanger ending!
Next is The Veil by Chloe Niell! I really enjoyed reading about these characters dealing with the aftermath of this apocalypses, where tensions are building again! I loved learning about what was going on, meeting these characters and exploring this world!
Next is Vendetta Road by Christine Feehan! This book had me on the edge of my seat, I just got swept away by the story and I couldn't put it down! I really enjoyed Soleil and Ice's story, and I thoroughly enjoyed taking down that group!Next is Verify by Joelle Charbonneau! Loved to hate this word, professing that it was truth while telling lies! And watching her battle up against all that was so fantastic to read! I loved Meri's battle to take down the bad guys and the group of people she falls into to do so!Next is the Villians series by V.E. Schwab, Warm Up and Vicious! These were so dark and amazing reads! I absolutely loved this world with EO's, and I loved the way the story was told, between timelines sand characters, and getting the full story piecemeal! And Victor and Eli's relationship and how it develops! Plus the plotting and the plans were epic to read!
Next is The Virgin and the Rogue by Sophie Jordan! This was a really hilarious read, I loved the writing and the story and the characters and their relationship, just everything about this book! And spending time with some familiar faces from the previous book was fantastic, as well!
Next is Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson! I really enjoyed this book, the different types of magic were so interesting, and the characters and their journeys and their relationships and their secrets, and how the story was all intertwined, it was all so great! Brandon Sanderson is an amazing author, and it's going to be evil waiting for the sequel! Next is the Warcross series by Marie Lu, Warcross and Wildcard! This as such a fun series, I loved the technology, and the competition, and how Emiko is pulled into the investigation! I loved the secrets and the twists and turns! And I loved the hope for the future, that it and the people can be better!
Next is Warriors of Wing and Flame by Sara B. Larson! This was a fantastic sequel, I loved having all the characters together, and dealing with the aftermath of the ending of the first book! I just love everything about this story, the relationships between the characters, the world and the magic, the writing and the story itself, it's all just so great! Loved that ending!
Next is We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal! Loved this book, I loved to hate the bad guys, and the world was so interesting, and these characters were, as well! I loved their stories, and I need the 2nd book now!
Next is What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera! This was such a fun read, I enjoyed these characters and their romance! Next is What You Hide by Natalie D. Richards! Loved this mystery set in a library, I loved learning more of what was going on, and I loved these characters and their relationships! Loved that ending, it was such a great story and with the writing kept me going so quickly in this story!
Next is White Sand, Volume 1 by Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin, and Julius Gopez! It was so interesting to get a story from the Cosmere in graphic novel format, and I enjoyed getting to know the world and the characters, and I'm so excited to learn more because my interest is peaked because this was so great!
Next is the Night Rebel series by Wicked Bite and Wicked All Night! I loved spending more time with these characters, I obviously love this world, and watch these characters face the treats in front of them! And deal with their relationship drama! These characters grew and I loved watching them on that journey! And that ending had a huge impact on the world, and I really hope we'll get to see it play out in the future! Next is Wild Country by Anne Bishop! This book is so great to read, I love exploring this town, with some characters that we're familiar with, but with some new ones as well, and the troubles that some greedy humans can put them all into! It's such a great story, and I love these characters and the world so much!
Next is The Will and the Wilds by Charlie N. Holmberg! I loved the writing in this book, it was a touch whimsical, and I really enjoyed this world with the dangers from the mystings, and the veil and the protections and the bargains! I enjoyed the ending, and I enjoyed these characters and the bargain for a kiss to take some of her soul, bits at a time, and their relationship!Next is Winter Glass by Lexa Hillyer! This was an excellent end to the duology, this book turned fairytale conventions on their heads, and I loved that! This was so different and I loved watching these characters make such unexpected decisions, I couldn't wait to see where it would go next! Such a wonderful book!
Next is Without a Trace by Amanda Stevens! really enjoyed this mystery, I enjoyed the tensions between the characters because of the past, and I really enjoyed finding out who the bad guy was!
Next is Wolf's Curse by Kelley Armstrong! This was an amazing sequel, Logan and Kate were so smart and I loved reading about their continued adventure! It was high stakes, and high tensions, and there were so many twists and turns. It was so well written and plotted, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Next is You Look Different in Real Life by Jennifer Castle! I had a great time with this book, I loved the concept of a documentary that parodically checked into this group of kids, and how they've changed so much since the last check in! Loved watching these characters interaction, and face their fears and the questions that they have for their future!Next is You Owe Me a Murder by Eileen Cook! I had a great time reading this book, It was dark and twisted and I enjoyed the characters and the building tension! I really enjoyed her facing off against the bad guy! This was a really excellent book!
Next is You Say It First by Katie Cotugno! I really enjoyed this story of a YA political contemporary, I enjoyed the characters and their interactions and relationship! Such a fun read! Next is You Were Never Here by Kathleen Peacock! I really enjoyed everything about this book! I loved her abilities, and I loved these characters and I really enjoyed this mystery, and it was very well written and plotted!
Next is Zero Repeat Forever by Gabrielle S. Prendergast! This was such a fantastic read! I loved this world with an alien invasion (that isn't what it seems) and these characters trying to survive! I loved all the twists and turns, and that ending has me really excited for the sequel!
Lastly is 10 Bodies Lying by Stephanie Bond! This was another fun mystery romp, I loved spending more time with these wonderful characters and their continually developing relationships and updates in their lives, and watching this mystery unfold! Such a fun book and series!
585 of 659, and 5 of 5 from 2019, so I read more than last year, and there were some really fantastic reads this year! And I'm so excited for what there is to read in 2021!
So yeah, those are the best books that I read in 2020!
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